Pinhead is Merchant ???

I haven't seen Bloodline and Infero yet.....I'd seen Hellseeker today.....
The man who sells the box to Trevor said that the box is made by someone called Merchant and now I just read that Doug Bradley plays Pinhead/Merchant. And if I look into the database of Bloodline I can see a lot of Merchant's, but Pinhead is just Pinhead. I'm confused...

Pinhead was once captain E. Spencer so he couldn't have made the box right?


In Bloodline the name Merchant is an americanization of the name Lemarchand, the original creator of the box. In Bloodline Merchant is a decendant of Philippe Lemarchand and is haunted by visions of his ancestor's misdeed.

As far as Pinhead goes... I think he can assume the face of whomever he chooses to be... in Inferno he masquerades as someone else. I'm not sure if he's someone called Merchant in Hellseeker. He did not create the box though. And he is not the puzzle guardian either.


I want to rent Inferno and Bloodline, but couldn't find it here. They just have the two last ones. The two stories are not connected. (Seeker and Deader)

I have heard the name once in I just wanna found out who that is here in IMDB, but that makes me more confused.



Okay, so the dude with that black long hair is Merchant.....
He also mentioned that the box is made by Merchant(Hellseeker)
Why wouldn't the filmmakers give him another name if this Merchant has nothing to do with the cursed family?

I have bought Hellraiser I, II, IV, V, in the store today, miss chapter III. The DVD's are nowhere to rent, now I have to buy it....
Didn't watch it yet, to scared I watch it by myself.

Happy Halloween!!

reply, just found out that the puzzlebox really exist. Philip LeMarchand is really the maker of a lot of puzzleboxes! You must know that already....I think



Alright,...after that I've search the name by google and it came up with a few sites.....thank god it's not real, it really freaks me out!



Not the demon-part is scary, but the L'Marchant-part of it. The website makes every one thinks he really did exist and make those damn puzzleboxes....and the portrait-painting of him didn't look friendly too.

I watched Bloodline today. He's assumed to be a good person in that story. Why would Clive Barker create the myth around Merchant as evil?? It's totally different than the story of this movie.



Which one is your favorite episode?



I like the first 2's the original ones. The other ones have a story of their own with Pinhead in it.
But if you look back, the technic of the film is a little bit oldfashioned. The same as in Evil Dead I. (How "gore" was made...)


I think all the hellraiser ones have a certain needed charm to them.

and as was stated, merchant was doug bradley, not Merchant.


"You cant drown, you're immortal!", Where the Big Dogs play


Clive barker didn't want the story from the movies to be the same as his books only things he wanted the same in both were the cenobites Barker wouldn't want Lamerchinet to be the mad man he was in the book

Ace Lion/ Williace the clown/ Bigwinwill / Blood-Hunter/ Captain "Bloody" William Flint



it said somewhere when he was makeing the first too he didn't want the movies to be a copy of the book

Ace Lion/ Williace the clown/ Bigwinwill / Blood-Hunter/ Captain "Bloody" William Flint



People keep saying Clive barker didn't work on Bloodline but in fact he did he was one of the executive producers

Ace Lion/ Williace the clown/ Bigwinwill / Blood-Hunter/ Captain "Bloody" William Flint

