other pool movies?

What other pool movies are there besides: poolhall junkies, the hustler and stickmen? and what are peoples favourite?


THe Color of Money - the almost completely unrelated sequel to the hustler

Personally I quite like poolhall junkies

Bono Estente!


The only pool movie worth seeing is The Hustler. This movie is a perfect example of how low standards have become since the 1970's of what constitutes a good American film . I wouldn't call this a terrible movie and parts of it are even entertaining but when you come right down to it the movie is basically crap with a really hokey script .



The color of money rules
and i wanna see this new movie called shooting gallery with freddie prinze

Jimmy Mac


I'm sorry. I just have to ask, but did you actually type the words: "i wanna see this new movie... with freddie prinze?" Did you really enjoy I Know What You Did Last Summer that much? Or maybe you have an affinity for great effects with wallpaper acting and wooden dialogue like Wing Commander (see Star Wars epII). I mean I know the guy has come a long way since Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, but couldn't you beat yourself over the head with a slab of bologna or something?

I'm just looking out for ya, "VanDamme" because if you admitted these things out loud in public, Sarah Michelle Geller would kick your ass.

P.S. VanDamme doesn't "Rules"


i saw the movie shooting gallery i couldn't even finish it was not even a little bit entertaining.



I could not have agreed more with you there. Talk about putting shame in the fine game of pool.


(spooler)a couple of parts of the shooting gallery were good, but it definitely fell short of poolhall junkies, hustler, and colour of money. these were all truly amazing. shooting gallery was just lacking over all. however, if you make it to the end where fredie prince jr(definately bad actor!!!) switches hands.. damn... that part gave me goosebumps. only because i didn't that before. played right handed all night winning a few, losing a few and then when the stakes are high... bam i went to being south-paw. in my opinion, the writer wanted a movie that was about pool, but knows nothing of it, and the plot... it just went too far from whatever "shooting gallery's" plot should have been. the previously mentions billiard movies are all 5star in my book... this one maybe gets a 3star.
