MovieChat Forums > Poolhall Junkies (2003) Discussion > Any other good bar/poolhall tricks to pu...

Any other good bar/poolhall tricks to pull on people...

Let me know some other good tricks to pull on peole either at a bar/poolhall...


there are so many but the best way to judge your opponent is tomiss as many shots as possible and see what kinda player they are then you gotta figure out if you can take em. also best thing to do is order a non-alcoholic beer from the draft so no one sees what kind it is then play drunk alotta beginners try to hustle drunks that way you let them win a few then after they set up on a 3rd or 4th game boom your sober and you can take em to the cleaners.

am i who you think i am or am i someone you never thought of



I would just keep ordering cokes or pepsis and if anyone asked I would just say that I was having a Jack & Coke.

That might work with teenagers but any normal person will see the difference between a rocks glass that a mixed drink is served in and a tall glass that soft drinks are served in. You're better off ordering a quirky juice drink (like pineapple juice with seltzer) which they'll mix in a rocks glass. They don't serve juices in tall glasses like they do soft drinks, it's more expensive. Or you could just order a tonic water with a twist, which any bartender worth his salt will understand is the type of drink one orders when you want to look like you're drinking but aren't. Many gamblers and detectives/private investigators, and virtually anyone that's "working" but has to blend into a drinking establishment, orders a drink like that to fit in.
