Mr Morrison = The Maker, The Author?
I'm not goona talk about whether the film is a failed wannabe art film or a masterpiece. I hate failed wannabe art/smart films (like Code 46 or Session 9), but I enjoyed a lot It's All About Love, although I didn't understand a lot of things in it. Having said that...
My take on Mr Morrison: wasn't he something like the author or God?
The character John hears Mr Morrison (the author of the film, book etc) wants to kill him. When people are left without love, they think they are being oppressed or doomed, or that God has something against them. So John feels The Maker is out to get him, that is, the author wants to "kill" his character. But Mr M. comes to John and tells him he doesn't want to kill him. Proof? Later the clones are shot dead, but we don't see who killed them, we only see a shadow running away. Then Mr M. is there, it's natural to think he shot them, but in fact he just says: "You told me: 1,70 m high, blonde?..." That means he HELPED, not KILLED John, by having a character (not seen) shoot all the clones so that Elena can't be murdered (she was the only one left now) and also helping John and Elena escape. You could even say it's love (the obvious theme of the film) at another level: not only love between characters, but also love of the author for his characters, exactly like God's love for people.
Mr Morrison's words seem to enforce that theory; for example, when he tells the guy who picked him at the airport: "You can't carry my luggage", as a metaphor for his superior nature.
I mean... why not? ;)
Gognitti bailed. I made like Chow Yun-Fat.