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Turkey invites historians to excavate mass burial sites in Anatolia

Turkish Press Yesterday
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Turkish and Swedish teams to excavate mass grave:

Yesterday's Hürriyet led with an invitation from a Turkish historical institution to a Swedish expert, who claimed that a mass grave in the southeastern city of Mardin belonged to victims of an alleged genocide of Armenians at the hands of the Ottomans in 1915, to dig up a mass grave in that city.

Professor David Gaunt from a Swedish university accepted the Turkish Historical Institution's (TTK) invitation and demanded full freedom for the excavation, the daily reported.

“We accepted all the conditions [put forth by Gaunt]. What's more we will be meeting his team's requirements for the excavation,” noted TTK head Yusuf Hallaçoglu. Emphasizing that this invitation is for all the scientists interested in the issue and particularly those of Armenian origin, Hallaçoglu noted that this excavation would be a first in the world, Hürriyet reported.

The mass grave was found last year when Gaunt carried the issue to Swedish parliament, alleging that the graves belonged to Armenian and Syrian genocide victims killed during a forced migration during World War I.

An one actone scene tragic-comedy:

Writers: All of us...


(Sunny skys, Turk is fishing in three different seas at the same time, still smoking!)

A: You have killed my ancestors, almost 600 000 people.
T: First of all it was not my country which is Turkish Republic.It was Ottoman Empire, we, Turks too had to fight against Sultan's Armies during our war of independence.Anyway, your ancestors have killed mine too, our losses were around 550 000, I have the documents to prove it:

Of course in 1914-20 Ottomans were not writing in English, but they are real and they prove that both sides had many losses. It happened during one of the most bloody war of the history. WW1...
A: You are a liar!.You have killed my ancestors, almost 1 000 000 people.Show me any non-Turkish evidence to prove that my ancestors were not loyal to sultan and were not unarmed unarmed .
T: During those years no ethnicity was loyal to sultan. Empire was disintegrating and all ethnik groups were fighting for their independence and their freedom. Including even Turks themselves! What was your ancestors ? Nuts?. Read your national Hero Andranik's life, it tells you everything:

You've commanders, brigades, armies of 150 000, bombs, guns, bought by financial support from our enemies in WW1. As you can read in your Andranik Pasha's life story you have "freed" Turkish cities and killed 10's of thousands of Turks in on single day. Total to be 550 000.

You may not accept it, OK, lets than form an independent commitee of historians and let them to discuss the issue, review all the documents we have with all details and obey their decision.

It's hard to show any proof from western media b/o they were our official enemies during that bloody years of WW1. Their favourite Turks was a dead Turks and their favourite Turkey was a non existing one. Go and look their second favourite map of Turkey, as has been drown by Sevres treaty. In fact, Greeks have tried to draw the most favorite one (with non-existing Turkey) and invaded the inner Anatolia too:

A: No. You are a liar. You have killed my ancestors, almost 1 500 000 innocent, unarmed and loyal Armenians to Ottoman Sultan. You should apologize first, than give us compensation, than give back our territories. We "are too crowded today's Armenia is too small for us, even after invading 1/3 of Azerbaijan.

T: Total Armenian population in Eastern Anatolia has never exceed 1.5 million, how come they can kill 1.5 millions. There are millions of Armenians relocated during WW1 and now living in Syria, Lebanon (all were Turkish territories that time), ROA, and US. Where did all those people come from? Mars or Jupiter?.Of course they have been transported to those places b/o their support to Russian armies which was unbearable. Anyway, we have some mass graves in Anatolia, we believe they are not only belong to Armenians. Maybe some.Let's get together and form independent teams to excavate them with, with international members, and look what will come up? Turkish bones or Armenian bones? Or both, which is very likely.(That offer never takes place in Western media, even Turkish goverment is not interested in the issue, they are stupid enough not to know how important it is)!

A: Silence...

T: I repeat.Let's get together and form independent, international teams to excavate mass burial sites in Anatolia, see what will come up? Turkish bones or Armenian bones?

A:(Probably) No. You are a liar. You have killed my ancestors, almost 2000000 innoocent, unarmed and loyal Armenians to Ottoman Sultan. You should apologize first, than give us compensation, than give back our territories.

(Turk continues fishing, smiles as if he knows that nations do exist b/o they deserve it not because of others permits and wishes. Looks beyond the horizon under brilliant Mediterranean sun)

Curtain never falls...
