MovieChat Forums > Ararat (2002) Discussion > Israel rejects a bill for the recognitio...

Israel rejects a bill for the recognition of Armenian 'Genocide'


"yes, armenians were killed in mass, but we won't ackgnowledge it because it will hurt diplomatic relations with Turkey" Geez!

Ah, what can you do....we live in a world full of pragmatic and realistic cowards.

What happend to the days of "we fight for what we believe in"

That's why USA is the greatest country in the world, it's founders were scrupulous and fought for what they believed in. Unlike today's officials...

money sucking cowards everyone of moral integraty.

What Israel is doing is no different than saying "yes, that man killed that child, but that man is strong and powerful so i will not come forth"

I can see why they would feel that way.... makes sense not to say anything at all.

But how do you live with yourself????































"No they don't. I'm a Jew and my family are all Jews and we wouldn't wanna be remmebered as victims."

Victims or not. They (you) want to be remembered either way, as long as the attention is on your culture/race ONLY, and not on anyone else who has suffered. Sorry, but that's cultural arrogance and a distortion of truth. It's also not very humanist. Many cultures/races have suffered throughout history...and yet they haven't garnered the attention that Jews have received and still receive to this day.

"The holocaust was way worse than the Armenian genocide."

Really? Way worse? Does 6 million dead Jews sound way worse than 2 million dead Armenians? Does it really matter what the number is once you're counting in the millions? It's not a competition...please make some sense.

Were you aware that the perpetrator of your people's genocide (Hitler) had directly referenced the Armenian Genocide as his model, a precedent, in such a way that he was encouraged to carry out the Jewish massacres? In simpler terms, since the Armenian Genocide had gone not only unpunished, but unnoticed, Hitler realized he could do the same with his "final solution" for the Jews. That means that the Armenian Genocide PRECEDED the Jewish Holocaust, and because nothing was done to stop it, Hitler was free to repeat history.

Therefore, Israel, who obviously opposes recognition of the Armenian Genocide for political reasons, is acting entirely without conscience on this matter. Israel should not only recognize the Armenian Genocide in a heartbeat, but should work towards helping Armenians (and other cultures that have suffered mass genocide) find a way to heal as a nation and ultimately lead the way in preventing other such occurrences of genocide from ever happening again.


John Hancock, respectfully, this issue has been settled by the parties involved (MakReturns and Pizzaa). :)



Yes, sorry didn't see all the pages at bad!


No problem. :)





You would expect that they would understand how it is when milions of your race get tortured and killed.
They do.

But *beep* nooo they are *beep* jews and ONLY jews had a genocide.
Much of the (prominent) proponents for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide are of the Jewish faith. Don't "assume."

*beep* ISREAL
Boy, I hope that you're not an Armenian. It would be such a shame. But if you are: You are aware of the fact that your "Lord and Savior" was of the Jewish faith, don't you? I know that is a silly point to make, but it's of the same level of "silliness" as your post.

Perhaps, then, you should ask yourself this: Why is it so important to you that Israel should recognize the Armenian Genocide? The genocide is a historical fact, whether or not Israel (or any other country) officially recognizes it. Certainly, Israel doesn't "deny" it.

Israel needs Turkey for obvious reasons (think "Iran"; and "Russia," in the periphery).

My country (U.S.) doesn't "officially" recognize it, too. But do you actually believe that the president of my country doesn't recognize the factualness of the genocide? The shame for my country is not that we deny the Armenian Genocide, because we don't (I don't have to tell you my position on it; just read my posts). The shame is that we don't "recognize" it on official terms. But don't believe for one second that the United States or Israel -- AND Turkey, for that matter -- don't believe that the genocide is a historical fact.

The Armenian Genocide is a historical fact, but there is a distinction between those who deny it and those who don't recognize it. The distinction may be made by a fine line; nonetheless, it is a distinction.

Please, understand that I am not excusing anyone. There is a cowardly tone to the matter; but let's not make blanket statements of, "beep this-country" or "beep that-country." The claimant must always remain poised.

