MovieChat Forums > Ararat (2002) Discussion > WHAT? No comments about the EUROVISION?

WHAT? No comments about the EUROVISION?

As you know, the magnificient European song contest that bestowed on our world some valuable artists such as Celine Dion, Johnny Logan, Vanessa Paradis and Ruslana was held in Finland this month. As most of you who live in and around Europe would know, the points given by televoters are usually allocated based on their nation's political relationships. Ergo, Greece always gives 12 full points to Cypruss and vice versa, Nordic countries vote away for each other and Turkey gets all the votes from Germany, Austria and Holland because the Turkish worker families who live in those countries are goofy and well-off enough to waste their money for some sort of pointless showdown.

This year, Turkey's televoters gave the 12 full points to guess who? Armenia.

What do you make of that? Let's see the truisms and speculations.


Hrm...seems the guilt that Turks feel over the assasination of Hrant Dink has manifested itself in yet another way.

Oh - of course not to mention that Armenians have shown centuries of musical and artistic inclinations that have culminated in numerous inspirational works.

Go figure, Tilki.


"the guilt that Turks feel over the assasination of Hrant Dink has manifested itself in yet another way"? Don't you think for a second that Armenians living in Turkey did vote in favour of Armenia just like Turks living in France and Germany did vote in favour of Turkey? Or do you find it safe to assume that France's 12 point went to Turkey for the guilt over "genocide law"?

Love is a grave mental illness-Plato


I never assume, postmorten. I just say like it is.
If that offends you, then that's your problem.

By the way, what is your point exactly? It's unclear to me.


No Turkish person in their right mind would call a hotline to give votes for Armenia, if any Turk called a hotline for Armenia, then they cannot call themselves a true Turk....

The only possible reason why Armenia got 12 points from Turkey, is because the Armenian community voted in droves....

"dont look back in anger" Oasis


"No Turkish person in their right mind would call a hotline to give votes for Armenia, if any Turk called a hotline for Armenia, then they cannot call themselves a true Turk.... "

With that comment right there, you're just confirming the racism that is ingrained in the Turkish psyche, against Armenians and any minority for that matter. That racism translates into nationalism and ultimately, into the worst form of hate (Genocide).

Oh, and by the way...what is a true Turk? Someone who lives in Turkey and who hates anyone who doesn't share Turkish blood? That is the same attitude that keeps permeating Turkish society and prevents Turkey from moving forward in the world community as a race of intelligent and humanistic people. Only the brave and truly wise of Turkish society are taking steps to try to advance their own culture despite the backward-thinking, racist, undemocratic sway of the majority.

Also, in case your ignorance has blinded you, no Turk in the world has true Turkish blood because your race has assimilated dozens of other races and mixed with their respective gene pools. The current day Turk is more closely connected with European cultures than with their ancestors who were of Mongolian origins (Asian).

Thanks for wasting my time, AGAIN.


it's a very unnecessary discussion. armenians in turkey vote for armenia just like the turks in germany or france voted for turkey. and i am a real turk i can vote for armenia if i like the song. for example armenia's last year entry was great.

by the way who cares about eurovision? it's just a lame song contest.

let the dragon ride again on the winds of time


YES! erenkaracorlu got the answer right, which is:

who gives a crap about the crappy eurao-trash pop contest called eurovision?

thanks to everyone for repeating the cliches, yet again. we have all kinds of examples of the stereotype mindsets up above. please let's try to avoid these in the future. thank you!


Tilki, are you not the individual who originally posted on this string anyway?

Maybe you should follow your own advice next time, instead of wasting my time.


""As you know, the magnificient European song contest that bestowed on our world some valuable artists such as Celine Dion, Johnny Logan, Vanessa Paradis and Ruslana was held in Finland this month""

""who gives a crap about the crappy eurao-trash pop contest called eurovision?""

tilky is everything ok ?


I also said Celine Dion, Johnny Logan, Vanessa Paradis and Ruslana were valuable artists. Do I need to explain myself any further?


No further explanation needed, nor any more useless and irrelevant words from you Tilki.


With such a serious and assertive attitude, it's no wonder you can't see a pun where it's intended, friend.


i cant tell if you are ironic or serious.
Ruslana and johny logan valuable artists???



Those were the votes of Armenians that left in Turkey.


Wow this thread is full of idiots

tilki was obviously joking, no one actually likes celine dion and everyone is bitter because they fell for it

anyhow didn't Serbia win this thing? jajajaja
