MovieChat Forums > Ararat (2002) Discussion > THERE IS NOT SUCH ARMENIAN GENOCIDE


I read few threads and I am not suprised to see those claiming genocide are full of hatred.It is so simple.There is a huge difference between cinema which is an art and politics.Whatever is done in the name of cinema does not change any historical facts.It will remain as a propaganda.

If everyone could change history and rewrite the history history would not be a history itself.With those hatred threads you are showing flatly your intentions,not a small piece of anything related to cinema,art itself, or democracy,human rights,freedom of speech etc.

Every nation or government has its own laws and history archives.You can not wash your laundry with cinema,books or politics.Nothing has changed till now ,nothing will change.If history had been shaped with books,movies or parliament elections history would not have existed.Cinema history is full of trashes like "Ararat".

Those full of hatred to Turkiye and Turks,you should be thankful that Turks do not claim any genocide for the wars that had happened in Ottoman Empire times.
Furthermore be thankful that Turks do not *beep* into the cinema making movies for Vienna,Athens,Sofia or Yerovan etc.The list of city names can be expanded depending on your power of "hatred".Spend some time to read and learn something about Ottoman Empire that reigned in three continents.What would happen if the Turks claimed genocide for every war that had been lost in three continents and shot movies for the capital cities of countries in these continents?

You are blaming a whole nation around 70 millions in Turkiye and millions in all across Europe,Asia,Northern Africa.There are thousands of armenians living in Turkey and still migrating from Armenia to live and work in Turkiye.You cannot get away with this playing political games and killing "freedom of speech" just making laws.Whereever you claim this you will see millions of Turkish people against you.

What do you think would happen if the committee of these two countries' historians came to declare that "genocide" hadn t really happened? did you ever think about this possibility ? I bet NO.

All those books,movies,hatred scenarios,political games staged in the parliaments of few countries? what will happen then? The authors of those books,movies etc will reconsider and apologize or will continue to claim? or the parliaments of few countries will re-elect their decision? by reversing and jeopardizing their seats :)? No I do not think so.All these are a part of simply "hatred" labelled with "genocide" claim.

Genocide is a serious claim.You cannot make it a fact by throwing out books movies or raising fingers in the parliaments.We,Turks trust our history and are proud of it. Did you ever listen to Simon Peres,the president of Israil,his speech in Turkish parliament? What did Turks/Ottomans do for Jewish people? How about Kurds? when Saddam gased them.What did Turkiye do for them? Who saved them from Saddam?

Whoever sells this to Turkiye or Turks ,first should return to mirror and look.What did armenians do to Azerbaijan people? If the owners of this "genocide" claim has any clue about democracy,human rights or freedom of speech,will they dare to shoot a movie about genocide/massacres/killings in Karabagh? Do not think that all armenians living in the world claim this genocide rubbish,whoever claims this first should face your Karabagh massacres? If there is not a movie called Karabahg or written book about Azerbaijan genocide or parliament rulings about Azerbaijan genocide, does it prove that it did not exist? First you,claimers have to start from 1990's what armenians did in Karabagh.

"armenian genocide" rubbish is ,for Turkiye and Turks, a "Canakkale" stand.It was declared to whole world by Davutoglu,Turkish foreign minister.Canakkale was a huge stand against all others.Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was part of it and we all are still part of it.We believe it.Do not worry we trust ourselves and our history.We do not falsify historical facts with cinema,books,parliament elections.We will see the truth if these signed protocols are applied and if Armenia does not espace the table?

It is for us "l'honneur de la nation Turcs'.If Armenia trusts its own history and archieves,then Armenia comes to table to research involving historians what exactly had happenned.Armenia has always refused until this protocols were signed last year.We want good relations with Armenia.Whoever claims this genocide with movies books or parliament elections are chasing hostility not against Turkiye but Armenia itself.Armenia pays this bill for years and genocide claimers do not want Armenia and Turkiye to have good/solve relations and to solve their problems.Those are simply haters.


Get lost and peddle your stale talking points elsewhere. There are already enough Holocaust deniers in this world and while it is painfully obvious that the Turks and Azerbaijanis are trying to outdo them, that does not give them the excuse to subject us to their nonsensical drivel so as to dumb us down to their level.

I pretend to work because the Soviet government pretends to pay me.


Keep deceiving yourself :) Play the poor,nobody buys it.You do not have any clue what you are talking about genocide,holocaust? God's sake!:) There is not any connection,not at all between them.You little wounded hater :)

BTW who the hell are you? who do you think you are ? you get lost.I am here and will be on these forums all the time.Do not worry,At least you got message reading this thread,no more comments :)


Hey OP, shut up.


So, OP... Turkish genocide in Vienna?! Don't know where you read that story. To claim that the Turks were victims of Genocide there, would be like claiming that the British are guilty of genocide to the Germans at the Battle of Britain or the Russians at Stalingrad. What have Turks done to the world, but war?

My movies:


Do not forget Americans, Hiroshima Nagasaki are all nuclear genocides.

Germany,Britania,Germany,France,US,Russia and Turkiye have shared histories and have lots of papers in their archieves.If you are so curious go through them.

If you rely on US and Europe that much,check their history with Turks and do not forget still they share the same table with Turks today.

What the hell US and Europeans you think they are doing with Turkiye today with NATO? Do you think US and Europe never needed Turkiye or will never?

We,Turks are proud of our history,Ottoman Empire.Like it or not.

Armenians were part of Ottoman Empire? I bet your fascist brain can't manage to accept it.Whatever you blame on Ottoman Empire turns back to Armenians you little bird-brained!

If you respect Armenians and those ultra-nationalists,then please be a man, write Armenians history in Ottoman Empire.If Ottoman Empire was an empire it was because of all other nations' support and existence and you can't put aside armenians.

If Ottoman Empire/Turks battled in Vienne,Armenians were still part of it,you fascist! You vomit your own plate are you aware of that?

Be a man and tell us what Armenians did in Ottoman Empire till 1915 events?

Armenians supported Ottoman Empire,armenians had power in the empire,Armenians had critical roles in Ottoman Empire.Do you know that?

Armenians did not come from MARS! Ottoman Empire existed around 600 years.Armenians were there.Do you think they never existed until 1915 events?

Google it,you probably see Kurdish blaming on Armeanians,moreover Armenians blaming on Kurdish for genocide.You can't wash you hatred over Ottoman Empire history.

It is 21th century wake up,grow up fascist! Why are you chasing this hatred? Who gained? Armenia? Turkiye? No, on the contrary you bloody fascists think they gain.You just pump into your blood Turkish hatred over Ottoman Empire like a heroin,you lose your sanity,you fascist! Turks were part of Ottoman Empire as well as Armenians.

This bloody UN was not set up for nothing.Check on UN papers "genocide" is clearly defined and all members Including Turkiye and Armenia signed that paper.

This planet does not belong to one country or one nation or one religion? do you hear you fascist! You can't set up rules by yourself with your little fascist brain,this bloody planet is not turning on your hatred! Bloody fascist!

All countries have their war histories,All countries respect their histories and others.You can't get away with just few bloody movies or books or just campaigning in the elections to have puppets raise their hands?

Your little brain can't perceive it because you are ultra fascist,christian-fundemantalist.

Do not keep your list short , you little fascist, christian-fundemantalist.Do not shut up,keep going let people see how much hatred you are full of.

Good Job! Keep going! God Sake!:) What am I doing wasting my time for fascists!


You *beep* disgusting Turk. I hope all of you evil pricks burn in Hell. Not only do you not admit the genocide, but you arrogantly state that it was the Armeniens' fault. Go *beep* die.


You are an arrogant uneducated racist person.Those armenians were traitors to Ottoman Empire.Not whole armenian population.If you want to burry your head in the sands do it.It is your choice

You and the other believe this genocide "merde" are flatly racists and christian talibans.You do not need to be a genius how racist and facists you are.Just check how many Turks are living in Armenia and how many armenians are living in Turkey.

Armenia is a 3rd world racist and fascist country.There are reasonable armenians who are still loyal to Ottoman Empire history today.They do not claim genocide and they share both losses on both armenian side and turks side.But they are suppressed oppressed by fascist/rascist armenians and of course "armenian diaspora" hatred league.

Armenia is not a democratic country,there is not freedom of speech and human rights in Armenia.Armenians are escaping Armenia to live and work in Turkey.Turkey's doors are wide open to those coming from Armenia.Turkey is not a facist/rascist country as Armenia is.

History is not written by books movies etc.History is a science.You FASCISTHEAD



you are too grown to be a rascist.go to hell.



Politics aside, historians still debate whether what happened was a "genocide" or not so the Holocaust comparisons make no sense. Only 20 countries have accepted the Armenian Genocide.


A ridiculous post. You live in total denial.

So over a million Armenians slaughtered, and you still can't think of it as genocide?

Turkey/Ottoman Empire, while it was a "great empire", that spanned many conquered countries and absorbed many cultures, was essentially an evil empire that built its power and wealth on the blood of millions of innocent people killed.
The Ottomans murdered and pillage their way through Asia and Europe, not unlike the Mongols, the Nazis, and the Soviets.

Whatever enlightenment existed in the Empire is far overshadowed by all the genocide committed by the Turks.

To this day, we can still thank the Hungarians and the brave warrior Miklos Jurisich for stopping the Turkish invasion at Koszeg, before the Turks could make it to Vienna and conquer and murder all of Europe.

Its hard to find a country or people who have NOT been attacked or murdered by the Turks - they have pretty much killed every race and nationality around.

There is serious documented proof that Turkey officially engaged in a holocaust again Armenians, murdering over a million. This genocide is quite poignantly portrayed in Atom Egoyan's fine film. If Turkish viewers have a problem with thier own history, then they need to take a long hard look in the mirror and come face to face with reality.



Here is the problem cesetevi: For most people in the West, a person has human value only if he is a Christian or reasonably 'White'.

So they don't care that before the First Balkan War there were 5.5 Million confirmed Muslims living in the Balkans, and after, only 500 thousand.

They don't care about Vietnam, Bosnia, Karabakh, Iraq, Algeria, the Congo, Nicaragua, the whole American continent, and Afghanistan. I could go on. I think I've made my point.

Here are a few other points which Westerners don't care about:

That many eminent historians/scholars/intellectuals have concluded that what happened in 1915 cannot be called a genocide. Names? Bernard Lewis, Heath Lowry, Guenter Lewy, Norman Stone, Samuel Weems, Stanford Shaw (you know, the internationally recognized historian whose house was bombed by Armenians because they didn't like what he said).

How about the national archives of Turkey/Ottoman Empire. They've been open for DECADES, and freely accessible. Countless Armenians have gone in to find proof for their claims (in vain).

But the same can't be said about the Armenian archives, they've never been open. Why if they have evidence of their claims don't they open their archives?

How about the absence of mass-graves in Eastern Turkey through to Syria? This is the most archeologically active region in the world, and yet, the thousands of Western archeologists haven't stumbled upon or found any mass graves for the 1.5 million people that are supposed to have been killed? wtf?

Finally this: The Turkish Gov't has officially called Armenia to come to Turkey and prove their claims.

That's right: All of you out there who say 'The Turks are hiding from the truth', explain this:


What's the Armenian response? Silence.

You see, that's what this movie is about. This movie, and the System of a Down, and Kim Kardashian, and the countless Armenians lobbies from the United States to Bulgaria who have been ensuring that Western parliaments accept their claims (for some reason, only Westerners are willing to accept these allegations).

This is the only way they 'prove' their claims: Political Pressure and Fictional Fabrication (ex: THIS FILM).

And why shouldn't they? They're succeeding. Thanks to this film and their countless other endless efforts, more and more people in the West know how evil the blood-sucking, devilish, dark uni-browed bearded beastly Turks are.
