Are Us 90s Kids
Any worse than the 00s kids who watched Hanna Montana. I mean...we used to watch Lizzie McGuire, which is pretty much the equlvalent in the early 00s
shareAny worse than the 00s kids who watched Hanna Montana. I mean...we used to watch Lizzie McGuire, which is pretty much the equlvalent in the early 00s
shareNope, I don't think there's much difference.
I tend to agree when people make these kinds of comments about Nickelodeon shows, but Disney has been pretty consistent with the kind of stuff they put on the air. It's only nostalgia that makes the older things seem so much better, along with the fact that the people complaining are out of the proper age range to fully enjoy the new stuff.
By - la_cinematheque,
>It's only nostalgia that makes the older things seem so much better
I'm sorry but no, while nostalgia can make bad things appear better the simple fact is that things now are generally worse, for this (and more) reason(s):
No competition: 20-30 years there were much fewer tv channels around so if you wanted to get on tv there was fierce competition so only the top quality made it, whereas now there are too many channels and stations are struggling to fill it and will just fill it with anything, so bad tv shows get made making stars out of people with absolutely no talent but are easy to market, and the great thing for tv executives is that there are a million talentless but marketable people waiting to take their place.
Add to that writers having to be too clean for fear of offending ANYBODY and you have a TV show or movie that is completely sterile and totally forgettable.
Sisko: "Major, shut that thing off! Commander Worf, prepare to launch Torpedoes!"
Amen to that Tunaman09. You hit the nail squarely on the head.
shareI disagree with you, especially in the area of children's programming, but it's not that serious and I'm not going to argue with you about it.
I will say that, if anything, the fact that there are more television options nowadays has opened up the doors for higher-quality niche-specific shows as opposed to times when the concern was reaching the broadest audience possible.
la cinematheque - Really? There's not even that much to watch on tv these days. So many channel with more shows not worth watching than one's that are.
And don't get me started on Children's tv. It's terrible. So bad, I know a lot who don't even watch it anymore and end up watching stuff like MTV instead..
"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"
la-cine-They didn't say anything about children's programming, did they?
I want to say there is, but really there isn't.
Of course we're going to be super biased against the newer shows because they weren't for us, and we grew up with these shows.
I know that my older brother who's like 20-something now HATED Lizzie McGuire, but loved his older shows.
I just hate how all shows these days seem to be about becoming famous or being a secret something.
I liked how we were able to grow up with a show that related more to us.
Well the Disney shows we grew up watching was great. I just feel bad for the kids today that never saw shows like Lizzie McGuire that they can really relate to, instead all they get are crappy shows like Jonas.
shareThe shows of today seem like they focus more on make up, hair, and wearing sexy exotic clothes and getting the guy. The shows back in our days was more funny and the complete opposite just fun to watch.
shareI was born in 95 and was a 2000s kid and I grew up with Lizzie McGuire and Hannah montana but I like Lizzie a lot more though. I liked Disney channel a lot better when there shows were about real things kids go through and didn't have a laugh track playing every 5 seconds
shareWell in some ways, we are kinda the same considering Most Disney Channel shows are geared towards the preteen audience( ages 9-14).
However, I feel like the older shows like Lizzie, Even Stevens, and That's So Raven covered more realistic and serious issues. Such as,
Puberty: (Lizzie and Miranda buying bras).
Eating disorder: ( Miranda wanting to lose weight and Raven trying to fit into that dress she designed).
Racism: ( ep of that's so Raven when she got turned down for that mall job b/c of her race).
While newer shows like Hannah and Wizards focus on fantasy dreams that are unlikely to happen in real life. Such as being a secret pop singer, being a wizard, or secretly being from the future and having gadgets.
"Lizzie McGuire" used to get just as much hatred as "Hannah Montana" got.
Plus, "Lizzie McGuire" was a show that was watched by 2000's kids, especially early 2000's kids. I consider Lizzie McGuire/Hilary Duff to be 2000's icons.
Lizzie was a millennial show. It definitely had that early 2000's vibe, with a little 90's mixed in. Like I remember wanting that purple cordless phone so bad.
But every generation has a show that looks ridiculous, but for some reason is comforting & holds nostalgia. I've just started rewatching these now, and I guess they're no better or worse than Hannah Montana, but I love them more.
-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.