MovieChat Forums > K-PAX (2001) Discussion > Racist Movie undertone

Racist Movie undertone

This movie makes fun of the mentally disabled and exploits them for a sense of comic relief. This is racism at its worst to subject an entire group of people to this type of treatment simply to get a laugh out of the audience. Mental Disease like alcoholism and drug addiction is not a joke to be laughed at simply because those people are "different". They are still humans and I object to treating the innocent like their a joke here for our amusement.

START THE REVOLUTION! SHRED THE GOVERNMENT! My favorite movie is V for Vendetta.


actually it's not any kind of racism...racism is derision and hatred based on race not mental ability or disability.

Oh, there's just one more thing... - RIP, Peter.


amsdragons-2 is right, except for one thing. The term racism isn't even real. There is only one humanoid race on earth and that is human. The real term is ethnicism since the difference is ethnicity, not race. But in any rate, as to the OP, there was nothing in this movie that made fun of people with mental handicaps.


A.) Were we watching the same movie?

B.) Even if this movie did make fun of alcoholic or drug addicts which it definitively does not. How the hell is that racism...


It is not "racism" - and alcoholism and drug addiction are not "mental diseases" - but the offensive Hollywood cliches in dealing with mental illness are very much in evidence, paying lip service to the real horrors of the troubled mind by presenting yet another lot of adorable inmates with their quirky, cuddly delusions. And this is, of course, just one of the many insufferable things about this load of dim witted, sentimentalist, audience pandering gibberish laced with cheesy psychobabble. It´s shameless Hollywood hokum at its worst, with insights - and the cinematic eloquence of their presentation - roughly on the level of Plan 9 From Outer Space.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


It's very funny when someone is so unlettered that he uses the word "racism" instead of "discrimination".


<<<And this is, of course, just one of the many insufferable things about this load of dim witted, sentimentalist, audience pandering gibberish laced with cheesy psychobabble. It´s shameless Hollywood hokum at its worst, with insights - and the cinematic eloquence of their presentation - roughly on the level of Plan 9 From Outer Space.>>>

I think that's a little harsh. I thought the film was well done. Of course it is pure fantasy, as is the existance of any sort of extra-terrestrials.

Right, then, old chap. Large brandies all around, what?


"as is the existance of any sort of extra-terrestrials."

Because after all, you've been all through the cosmos and have the experience and knowledge to make that statement. Sorry, but that is pure conjecture, not based on facts in any way shape or form.


yeaaaah maaaan. the cosmos! like, faaaarrr oouuuut. yeeaaah.

what were we talking about again bros?


Actually racism is real weather it comes in the form of xenophobia meaning the fear of anything "alien" to you. This movie exploits the mentally disabled by steroyping them and portraying them in an outrageous fashion on screen. This is part of what the powers that be want people to be programmed to believe as they push their left wing propaganda promoting the dumbing down of our society.

START THE REVOLUTION! SHRED THE GOVERNMENT! My favorite movie is V for Vendetta.


"exploits the mentally disabled by stereotyping them and portraying them in an outrageous fashion"

I thought it was quite tame. I've seen worse movies. "One flew over the cuckoos nest" first comes to mind.


"Of course it is pure fantasy, as is the existance of any sort of extra-terrestrials. "

So basically you think exactly one planet out of at least planets in the known universe has life on it that's this planet? Do you realize how stupid and arrogant that makes you sound?

It's pretty much a statistical impossibility that there aren't any extra terrestial life in the universe. My guess is that we'll find some in our own solar system (microbial life). I hope you'll come back and apologize at how stupid you were when that happens.





you re confused. your life can get better. seek help. your posts are destructive and they sadden me.
