MovieChat Forums > K-PAX (2001) Discussion > The 100% human interpretation

The 100% human interpretation

Let me begin by saying that I'm a sci-fi geek and that my TV guide had "sci-fi" on the description of this movie, so I was absolutely prepared to buy into the "hero is an alien mistaken for a mental patient" interpretation. However, by the end of the movie I was convinced that it's not about traveling aliens but about a genius person with a split personality disorder. If this wasn't the case, I would hardly see any point in the movie...

Here's Porter's life and split personality history, according to the clues:

- Porter invents an imaginary friend named "Prot" (a slight anagram of the first half of his own surname) when his father dies, which is his way of coping with the loss.

-Porter is a brilliant high school student (a "brainiac", as the sheriff calls him) keeping his love for science as a hobby, while working in a slaughterhouse in order to sustain his family. Presumably, he would have gone to college and become a scientist, if it weren't for the unplanned pregnancy, which is there in the script exactly for that purpose: to explain why such a brilliant person with a passion for astrophysics did not have formal higher-level education.

-All the years preceding his suicide attempt he has had plenty of time to study and work out all the details of his imaginary friend's planet - just for fun, one assumes.

- After he survives drowning, he subconsciously decides that the only way to cope with his huge trauma is to shut off his real self and let his body be "taken over" by his imaginary friend, thus going into that split personality phase.

- After that event, he's had another five years to adapt into Prot's personality and presumably gain access to libraries and other resources through which he could make his fantasy as realistic as possible.

- He subconsciously decides that 5 years is enough for a period of grief, so he decides to abandon his imaginary friend (or let himself "be abandoned" by him) and he reverts to his real self, who remains shut-off (hence the catatonia) due to the graveness of the trauma.

And here are "Prot"'s inconsistencies:

He says that they can travel on specific dates and times, due to heavy interstellar traffic. However "Prot" is there exactly when Porter needs him, to comfort him for his father's death and to help him survive when he attempts suicide. He says he heard him (or felt) him calling - which he cannot explain in a sci-fi way (why would an alien from lightyears away be connected to a single human whose grief he can feel through all that distance?) and, most of all, he could not explain why the exact dates that he is "allowed" to travel happen to be the date when his "friend's" trauma occurs and its five-year anniversary.

The other patient's disappearance cannot be used as evidence for the K-Paxian interpretation: if light-travel is achieved in a non-bodily form (hence the need to take over someone else's body), then the lady who traveled with Prot should have left her body behind, which of course was not the case (she just found the opportunity to escape).

Of course, the creators kept major give-aways and explicit explanations out of the way, in order to keep the movie purposefully ambiguous. They left a small "what if..." window open (with clues such as the drug dose, the almost impossible science knowledge and the patient's disappearance) just to add a little flavor to the story.

My opinion of the movie is that it was good but not great. It felt like it had a lot of good ingredients, but it was missing those special creative traits that make a movie stand out. I read that it is a remake/rip-off of an older Argentinean film, which explains a lot: sadly, it is a common practice in Hollywood to borrow an original idea, believing that they 've found the recipe of a successful project, only to end up with a copy that manages to transfer all the characteristics of the original, except from its "soul".



i guess you scared everyone :)


And what happened to Bess?

2 + 2 = 22


Nope. I don't buy that.

Prot IS an alien. Bess left no body behind.


so why wasnt bess left catatonic like prot ?


There are several reasons to suppose that Prot is an alien.

1) Would anyone of his intelligence really spend their days knocking cows on the head? And living in a shack in the middle of nowhere?

2) It was confirmed that he could see UV. That simply isn't possible for humans.

3) How could he otherwise have known *and memorised* the precise path of a planet in a complex orbit in a twin sun system and with multiple moons when it had only just been discovered.

4) How was he able to get in and out of a secure unit with no difficulty and leaving not trace of his method.

5) How was he able to cure, or begin to cure, so many people that professionals could not even start to help?

Obviously it's just fiction but there are far more difficulties to supporting an argument that he was simply a very intelligent human than in supporting an argument that he was an alien who had taken over a human body and made a few adjustments.


How could he understand dog's language?
And If he was indeed a K-PAXian ,then why was he so scared of water?

When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.


I second this.


ooo I think prot is an alien in a human body (robert)

K-PAXians are beings that evolved so much further than mankind to the point they discard their physical bodies

think of it like a spirit

prot said that when he's on earth he looks like human, as that is the best configuration, but he never said whether he shapeshifted into a human or inhabit artificially created human body

as the movie progress we came to known that prot's body is known as Robert Porter, and he is a real human being, so we can rule out the possibility that his body is artificially created

prot also said he can only take one person to K-PAX, I think most viewers assume that means one person excluding prot himself but the truth is he means 1 is as 1 person including his body

prot said to Mark to take care of Robert since he's going to switch to another body, which he originally didn't want to do, since Robert has abandoned life and prot took the body as his own... well, until Mark discovered Robert, and prot then trusts Mark to take care of Robert

prot fulfilled his promise and took a person, Bess, to K-PAX, means Bess became a new host for prot

K-PAXian are able to inhibit the bodies of other organism and present themselves like another personality, as in Robert's case, prot became the dominant personality because Robert's has lost all the will to live and surrender his body to prot in it's entirety

K-PAXian "light travel" doesn't require any mechanism or device so it's most likely only knowledge is required to do that, as in how to walk or swim, human just don't know how to do that yet, similar to teleportation I guess, and yes they are able to take physical bodies

I think that there are 2 types of long distance travel K-PAXian able to do :

1. while in ethereal form - instantaneous to everywhere, hence able to inhibits robert everytime (robert's might be his first or only host and they became mentally connected, hence robert's extraordinary intelligence and strength)

2. while using physical body - several times light speed, hence the probability of collision with other K-PAXian

prot's not afraid of water, his host does (he fears sprinkle cause it's reminded him of his trauma)


I think Prot was using Robert's body while on Earth. And Prot was an alien.


I second wuhugm,

Very good points.

Next we have Peter Breene...


What about Bess? If Prot uses her body now, would he dominate Bess's personality?

Filmmakers can come up with ideas that are not concluent either way. The way I see the movie is that Prot ist Porter. The impossibilities (Prot does/knows things) keep the viewer guessing. The filmmakers don't know/care if this is all possible. They want him strange and clever.

The story would be pointless, if prot really was an alien. Him being an alien would be a cheap sci-fi effect, but no deep story of a broken heart and soul.


First of all, I think that Prot is an alien and he entered Robert's body.
To save him from drowning.
Then, he just lived through him, in order to do his alien things, and keep Robert safe.
5 years later, when he had to go, he left him in good hands, a doctor who could help him. Why else would he let them get him and put him in a mental hospital? He did it for Robert.
As for Bess, why should he be lying? He could take only one with him.


nikolettta_p definitely has the best theory.


Prot is an alien.
In addition to what was also already stated by others:
- The security cameras went to static both times that Prot teleported away from the hospital (the first time is in the deleted scenes when he went up north).
- In addition to knowing the orbits of his solar system, he knows the star field as seen only from his planet, also in the deleted scenes.


There is no right or wrong answer, that's the whole point. I myself like to believe he was an alien though.

And the biggest clue? Bess left her shoes! If she 'escaped' why not wear shoes? Because she was sleeping when she 'left'

Just my opinion


I enjoy your interpretation OP and I have similar feelings regarding this film.
