Help about music!
Just saw this movie, and I was completely blown away, but there´s one thing that annoys me. I can´t seem to find the music, or melody that I´m looking for, which is in the movie.
It reminds me of the melody which goes on throughout Around the World by ATC (I think)
It shows up several times during the movie, especially during transitions between 2 scenes, whereas the first scene ends with possibility that Prot in fact may be... quite extraordinary.
The first time it´s played is during the banana-eating-scene (which I found extremly hilarious btw). This scene is at about 18 minutes in the movie. The second scene I recall, is 23 and a half minute into the movie where one of the doctors explain that Prot can see ultra-violet light, while humans can't.
So, yeah. That´s about it. I hope someone can solve this mystery for me :)