Police at the beginning
They had no reason to hassle him. He had no part in the robbery, and both the victim and witness said he wasn't involved. They wouldn't detain him like that, and they had no business in his business.
shareThey had no reason to hassle him. He had no part in the robbery, and both the victim and witness said he wasn't involved. They wouldn't detain him like that, and they had no business in his business.
I am watching the film right now and I thought the very same thing.
What qualified the cop into establishing that the character was a danger to society?
A fantastic film, with a rather silly beginning!
speaking of that; the woman cop called in "we have an edp";
anyone know what EDP stands for???
how do you not know they thought he was high? asked him why he wouldn't remove his glasses for redness and thought the reason he wouldn't it because he was trying to hide his eyes.
shareEDP in law enforcement means "emotionally disturbed person."
"Wisdom begins in Wonder"
ah great, thanks for clarifying that!
shareI think the idea is they started to talk to him or ask him to explain what happened, and things just got strange -- he had no ID, gave them weird answers, they asked him to take off the glasses and he wouldn't, etc.
Land of the free, eh? All Prot did was to go to the fallen woman's aid. This was pointed out to the fat pig bitch too...
Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit shootin' smack...
LOL, would like to see what happens in RL - next time you are pulled over by police just state with a big grin "I forgot how bright your planet is"
land of the free? where? maybe in 18th century it was.
I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)
because cities are filled with crazy and aggressive people, the most time effective way for a law enforcer to deal with a divergent guy is to process it as edp
shareAmerica is subject to a fascist tyranny by police who are nothing more than jack booted thugs. The police in america hate hard working citizens out of jealousy because they can never fit in with society due to their hatred of freedom. Every 30 secs in america cops arrest someone for marijuana because they hate freedom and our way of life. In this movie Kevin Spacey is picked up by the police who are a menace to society and caged like a wild dog because the cops hate the fact that he is free and they are simply servants who are obedient to their dark masters.
START THE REVOLUTION! SHRED THE GOVERNMENT! My favorite movie is V for Vendetta.
how to discredit a good idea with nonsensical and over the top arguments and attitude.
sharethats part of what the movie is about. modern society is repressive.
shareExactly. There would thus have been no movie. He wouldn't have gone to that institution and meet Dr. Powell (Bridges), and his new friends, if they hadn't hassled him and taken him there. They had to have a reason to justify him being sent there. I think the idea was to promote empathy for prot, an innocent character in a situation he doesn't understand. You can't really blame them. The things he was saying, considering that NYC is one of the largest on the planet, it's full of unpredictable people.
shareProt had no ID.
shareExactly - the police did have cause to question him.
What is amazing is not the the Police determined Prot was an EDP but that a magistrate also coincided and they found a bed for him. That is not very modern Western City at all - the streets are full of EDPs and there is no-where to put them.
I don't know. I was pretty angry with how the cops treated him in the beginning. It did set up the beginning of the film. I think the contrast was this, the cop was simply doing their procedures and Prot failed to show his ID, baggage, tickets, etc. He also was too honest with them and they thought he had issues. I mean he practically told them he was an Alien from outer space. Next time you get pulled over by a cop, do not give them your drivers license and tell them that you don't need it because your an Alien visiting from another planet. I can assure you that they will respond in a way you won't like..... likely a drug test.
shareI thought the same thing too... Since when is standing around a train station and acting weird a crime that demands enrollment in a nut house? Yet the homeless guy trolling for money while harassing people is known by name (to the cops) and they don't do a thing. Sounds like a typical cop to me. :)
R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !