Loved this film

I loved this film! Top quality Comedy, 10/10 ! Hilarious!

And if your offended by any of the jokes in this, then your sad and have to get a life!

Sequel! Sequel! 100% Quality!







I loved this movie also!!! I thought that Martin Lawrence was hilarious!!! Steve Zahn was good to as the cop!!!


This movie was dumb, it was extremely racist and shouldn't have been made, and I do have a life, I mean the black people here would have been complaining if the movie was racist towards blacks.


Don´t complain if this movie have some white jokes,racist? in your dreams pal white people are not opressed by another race so the african-american people still complain if some movie was racist toward blacks...


"Don´t complain if this movie have some white jokes,racist? in your dreams pal white people are not opressed by another race so the african-american people still complain if some movie was racist toward blacks..."

So your saying a movie racist towards whites is ok? Listen I'v egrown up with people like Lawerence's character, and this movie should have never been made, oh and I'm italian, which is considered white but we were opressed. My point is, if making movies like this is considered ok, then there should be movies that put down blacks, but since that's not ok, then there shouldn't be movies that put down anyone. Just because blacks have been opressed in the past dosn't mean whites who had nothing to do with slavery (expecially italians like me) should see movies like this exist. Either have it equal or don't have it at all.


This guy acts as if there arent' movies with white people making fun of blacks and other ethnic groups. There are so many movies out there that have white people saying something negative about another race, this argument has no weight.

Let me give a small list of popular comedies that have some of the worst racist remarks in comedic movies yet I have yet to hear a white person complain.

Blazing Saddles
3 Amigos
Animal House
South Park the Movie
Bringing Down the House

To say black people get away with racism in movies and white people don't, is to look at only half of the picture. If you don't like a movie because of the jokes don't tell the lie it's because of reverse descrimination. Do what every minority in the US has to do in such situations, move on.


Bringing down the house was a pro black movie, having latifia beating up the white chick ect.

and I honestly don't see that many movies where whites aren't the main jokes, for the past few years, they've been problack.


Well, that's 1 out 5 movies on my list. I think the odds are still in my favor on the argument.


well maby because I didn't see 3 of the 5 I couldn't make a complete statement.



I only saw the southpark one, so I really couldn't comment, and part of 3 ameigos.

BUt as for the southpark one, it does make fun of blacks with it's operation human shield, however it evened out for the blacks moved out of the way, and got revenge, so I'd say that movie isn't racist either way, cept against canadians.


The common perception of many of america's majority. You can tell a racist joke as long as the receiving group gets some kind of compensation at the end? Then that makes National Security okay because in the end Martin Lawrence found to be the liar, Steve Zhaun gets to punch Lawrence back, and Zhaun gets his beautiful woman back despite Lawrence's characters feeling about interacial dating. It's still a racist joke.

South Park is a popular movie, though I find it more gross than funny.


"The common perception of many of america's majority. You can tell a racist joke as long as the receiving group gets some kind of compensation at the end? Then that makes National Security okay because in the end Martin Lawrence found to be the liar, Steve Zhaun gets to punch Lawrence back, and Zhaun gets his beautiful woman back despite Lawrence's characters feeling about interacial dating. It's still a racist joke."

True, but Martin should not have become a cop, Hank get's it back yes, but he didn't get anything back for being fired, losing his girl, and being put in jail for a crime he didn't do.


hey, jbgainz, you say that there is a logical ending to "National Security", and that martin's character is kinda "illuminated", right? I think that the results DO NOT justify the means. These things DO NOT happen in real life. That's why they're called MOVIES. They're make believe. It's like south park. At the end, the kids always say "hey, i learned something today" but you KNOW it's BS!

And the so called "pro-white" or "racist" movies you envoque, have been proven wrong (in a post by DKELLY-3 to whom i take my hat and applause for such a good interpretation of those movies).

This kind of martin's cheap humour can also be found in "Black Night" (almost as crappy as this one but better).
Mr. martin has done QUALITY movies in the past, and I bet he could do that again...

Oh, oh, oh! The part that I REALLY liked on National Security is when Martin, ever so bravely, kicks the *beep* out of his instruction officer and get's kicked out of the force. When he's leaving, he says something REALLY "funny": "BIATCH"! What... art. Don't you think?
Does the colour of your skin REALLY has to make you pick up the worse things that they have? Limp walk, half-eaten words, the cursing? That's what defines something. It's called "prejudice" and, that way, you only feed it.
-10 in a scale of 0 to 10

PS: er... Did i mention that i'm black...?
PPS: Where in the hell do you see racism in South Park the movie? I see some strong religious remarks (the mole calls God "son of a whore"). Whas that it...? :P
