the thing about this movie...........
what i absolutely hated, is that, all teh racist stuff aside, Martin Lawrence was a complete dick in this movie. Just a complete dick. And then, when they are sitting on the stakeout thing, and Steve Zahn tells him what had happened, etc. etc., and then lawrence says, so, your partner got killed, you went to prison, you gf left, etc. and then he says, oh, well, welcome to the life of a black man - like, what the hell man. Martin Lawrence just took it too far in this movie. And, honestly, if it was the other way around, and some white guy made life hell for a black guy, everyone would be up in arms!! it pisses me off completely. Like, I laughed twice in this movie, once when Steve Zahn kept punching out the guards, and the videotape thing was somewhat laughable. Martin Lawrence should not be the hero of this movie, hell, Steve Zahn didnt even make the front cover of the movie box!! And Martin Lawrence just looks like a fag on the front, oh yeah, your so cool. Fightin the system, yeah man. I just, god, I cant get over it. And, of course the bad guy has to have bleach blond hair.......incredible. And when he said, I dont advocate interracial relationships, but not when the guy is black. LIke, shut the hell up. THis movie was complete racist garbage.
That aside, I think this movie MUST'VE been making fun of like action type movies, because there was so much stuff in there that was soooo cheesy that I cant imagine how people would act like that unless they were making fun of something. Example, the number of times Steve Zahn yells 'YA!' when hes on the excavator at the end, and the raising up of Martin Lawrence at the end on the cable was enough to make you puke........just....cheesy.
what do you guys think?