The problem with this movie....
is that it couldn't decide what it wanted to be.
I watched this film for the first time today and from the decription on the DVD it looked rather funny. I'll admit that I rented it ostensibly to see Steve Zahn but I also like Mart Lawrence too.
Well was I ever disappointed. I'm not even going to go in the racial issue. Many others have debated on that on other posts and have brought up many more points than I ever could. No, what I found was a film that couldn't decide if it was a broad comedy or an action film. The problem was that at times it was both and going between the two mediums simply didn't work.
From the previews, this film seemed like a good action piece with maybe some comedy thrown in for good measure. But the beginning starts out being almost a serious movie with *SPOILERS AHEAD* Zahn's partner dying before his eyes while he is helpless to do anything about it. It also introduces Martin's character with a fairly good action sequence.
From that point the movie quickly changes gears with these two characters meeting and we assume that "hilarity ensues". By god, it did not. From then on out the film flips from being a decent action film with some good stunts to ridiculous comedy. In fact, I couldn't figure out when I was supposed to laugh and when the action was supposed to be real enough to fear for the characters safety (something I feel you should do in an action film, makes it more interesting). The comedy was too broad and brought the action down with it.
Personally I think this movie could have been great had the director decided on one film or another. Had he done a slapstick comedy (like his work on Saving Silverman) it would have been funny. Equally I think that if he had just stuck to rip roarin' action movie, that would have worked too.
Too bad cuz the cast was good. But they were sorely wasted in this one...*sigh*