Man, this thread is freaking HILARIOUS! All of this over one little (well, Lawrence IS rather short and I've met him in person) comedian. I'll start off by saying that I am a black man, so my race doesn't enter into the equation. I often find Lawrence's work rather inconsistent. I only liked the first two seasons of his sitcom. I think his stand-up is funny (especially the one he did right after being in the first HOUSE PARTY movie). LIFE was good (and it's just as much his movie as it is Eddie Murphy's), BAD BOYS was passable (I think it's certainly better than if they had went with their original choices: Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz ). From what I saw of it, NOTHING TO LOSE seemed good. However, the less said about BIG MOMMA'S HOUSE, WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?, BLACK KNIGHT and A THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE, the better. I just think that Marty-Mar needs to get his head together before he ends up as a trivia question ("What comedian went on a shooting spree on Sunset Boulevard in . . . ?")
"Here lies an atheist . . .
All dressed up and no place to go."