MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > There's two things which mainly bothered...

There's two things which mainly bothered me in this movie

1. Earl is sorta a racist

From the beginning we get to meet him, till the end of the movie he constantly nitpicks about white people, in favor for black people. I especially disliked the part where he lied to Hank's girlfriend just because same girlfriend was black, whilst Hank on the other hand is white. Somehow, this was offensive for Earl, but hooking up with a white girl himself later didn't seemed as an issue or him. Of course, he managed to only flirt with her, so he didn't really "hook up" with her, but I hope you get my point.

2. Hank's unfair treatment was never really resolved

Hank served six months in prison because of misunderstanding. Basically it was a bumblebee which motivated Hank to start swinging around, and from the recorded video it looked like Hank was beating Earl. Nobody wanted to support him, things got worse when somehow for an unknown and uncalled reason Earl made a conclusion that he was actually beaten by Hank himself, and that Hank let bumblebee attack him. I found this both funny and extremely irritating. Let's face it, guy lost his best friend in a gun fire, only for Earl to turn his life in hell in such a short time. Best we could get from this is that Hank's girlfriend found about the truth. And that moment was unrealistic. She couldn't possibly find about it just because bumblebee appeared in her house and all the sudden situation with the bumblebee was repeated. And what kind of girlfriend decides to turn her back on her boyfriend just like that? If she really refused to trust him, then Hank maybe didn't deserved having her as a girlfriend. What a b!tch, really..

I mean, movie made me laugh, I am fan of Martin Lawrence and I found him funny in this movie too, but I couldn't help myself but feel with Hank many times, and I found it irritating that everyone was treating him like trash, especially after his friend died and he got to watch him getting murdered.

I also understand that Martin Lawrence's character was somehow mentally unstable, and that there's a reason why he's a jerk, but how can a sane man give him a badge at the end? If this movie is anything close to being realistic, Earl would get sentenced atleast a year for false testimony against Hank. But here's the thing, movie basically never resolved this, we never really got to hear Earl apologising to Hank, it basically began with Earl being a jerk and ended with him staying a jerk. When Hank got out of prison, he had to apologise for something he has never done, before that he had to be in prison for six months for something he never done, he had to put up with Earl whole the time for something he has never done.

Above all else I found this movie enjoyable and funny, but also irritating. I dare to compare this movie to Everybody loves Raymond sitcom, where you have Marie, Raymond's mother which constantly manipulates the events surrounding his son's life, and always comes out as a victim, but in truth she spreads injustice. Same I felt with Earl, movie's overall funny but Earl is annoying as hell, because I really wanted to enter TV and beat the $hit out of him myself.
