MovieChat Forums > Kiss of the Dragon (2001) Discussion > Talking about Jet Li's best movies...

Talking about Jet Li's best movies...

The ones he made after he went hollywood were only fair at the best, nothing brilliant compared to his previous works, I'd say rather dissapointing even with this one. His best movies were made in the 90's which also marked his big name, his Chinese Historical Fantasy movies like the "Once upon a time in China" trilogy and the "Asia the Invincible" were at his career peek. Wana see the REAL Jet Li that Asian people were so crazy about and the REAL kongfu movie that you could only dream of? Check them out!

"Once upon a time in China" Trilogy aka "Wong Fei-hung"

"Asia the Invincible" aka "Xiao ao jiang hu zhi dong fang bu bai"



Well, your recommendations are also very good ones dude, not doubt, all masterpieces. The thing about Asia the Invincible is that it's not actually so much of a hardcore "Kongfu" movie, but a kongfu fantasy movie, in that sense, it delivered the best viewing pleasures. It did such a good job at creating the the atmosphere of a kongfu fantasy world. The action in it has distinctive styles, beautiful and memorizing, the traditional Ninjia kongfu, the mysterious Miao race kongfu and much more. Don't be bothered too much by the wirings, it didn't much japordized the beliveability of the movie, rather gave it a very stylish and impressive new look.

After all, we all know that kongfu in kongfu movies isn't real "kongfu", REAL kongfu can be real bore to watch. What we see in the movies are visually revised kongfu, in this sense, wiring is just another way of doing it, as long as you do it right. :)



Dude, go watch Hero... was made after he went to Hollywood, and it's amazing... (No.122 in IMDB's Top 250 actually)


FIST OF LEGEND. Hands down his best movie in my books, and one of the best Kung Fu flicks around.



Jet Li had a career full of classics (and a few bombs,but who doesn't?),but here are my personal top five Jet masterpieces:

Runner-Up--Kiss Of The Dragon:The fight scenes are excellent(especially the last 15 minutes-DON'T MISS IT!),and Luc Besson's above-average script and Chris Nahon's direction take the time to explore and humanize the characters far more than you'd expect from your average action movie.A vastly underrated entertainment.

5)Unleashed(aka Danny The Dog): Jet Li's best English-language film--EVER.Before this, KoTD held the title. But Unleashed frankly runs circles around that movie because of the superior quality with which it carries every aspect of its production,from the writing (by Luc Besson) and directing (by the consistently promising Louis Leterrier) to the production design, editing, cinematography, and especially the fight/action choreography (by the AMAZING Yuen Woo-Ping). Jet Li completely outdoes himself in every way, giving the performance of his career as Danny, a man/child raised as a slave and used as a brutal enforcer by a big-time criminal(the terrific Bob Hoskins) who frees himself and finds new life with a piano tuner(Morgan Freeman) and his stepdaughter(Kerry Condon), but finds his horrifying past once again catching up with him. Combining complex chararcters, intense and poignant drama, quirky humor, and spectacular,visceral action set pieces with a master's touch and pure vision, Leterrier gets the best out of his cast and crew, crafting a unique, spellbinding tale that keeps you riveted, fascinated, unsettled, and won over in equal measure.A genuine truimph for all involved.

4)Fong Sai Yuk:One of Jet's very best characterizations came with his portrait of folk hero Fong Sai Yuk--brash,sensitive,charismatic,cocky,intelligent,optimistic,and finally heroic and selfless.On top of that,the film also may very well be one of the best multi-genre films out of Hong Kong,flawlessly gliding through hard-hitting kung-fu,slapstick farce,breezy romance,powerful drama,gripping suspense,and ensemble piece without missteping once.A milestone for its director, the great Corey Yuen, and its star alike.

3)The Shaolin Temple:Jet Li became a force to be reckoned with in Chinese cinema and a household name almost overnight with his debut role here, and on the strength of his stunning martial arts performance here,you'll have no trouble believing why he was designated by his countrymen arguably the most dynamic WuShu competitor of his time.He and several other incredible young WuShu athletes let loose in this story of a youth and his adventures in the Shaolin temple.You CANNOT call yourself a Jet fan or a kung fu fan without this in your library.If you don't have it yet or have never heard of it before,go buy it anyway.SEE IT NOW (and thank me later)!!!

2)Fist Of Legend:Well,what else is there to say? Quite possibly Jet's single best and most hard-hitting martial arts performance (next to The Shaolin Temple),with some of the best one-on-one and group fights ever,including the now famous finale with Billy Chow(a fighter's worst nightmare come to life),Jet's equally notorious smackdown of an entire karate school,and a superb kung fu duel with the underrated Chin Siu Ho, all thanks to one of the very best fight directors of all time,Yuen Woo Ping.BUY IT!!!

1)Once Upon A Time In China 2:Absolutely unmissible and the rare sequel that's both superior to and distinctive from the original.Brilliant characterization,resplendant visuals,superlative direction from Tsui Hark and two of the most spectacular duels shot on film (Jet vs. Hung Yan Yan, then Jet vs. Donnie Yen).And,for me,the film is also notable on a personal level as one of the most blistering statements I've ever seen on the devastating effects of racial and religious intolerance (an issue that, as an African-American, is close to my heart).A watermark not only for Jet Li,Tsui Hark,and HK cinema in general, but quite possibly one of the best movies ever put to the screen.

"He not busy being born is busy dying."-Bob Dylan
