This is a question I don't think was asked on this board but my question is that at the very start of the movie, there are a group of rabbits with one dead one amongst them.
Is this symbolism for something? I haven't listened to the DVD commentary if it's on that.
The rabbits actuelly represent the three main characters of the story. If you notice the first one is kinda feeding on the dead one, that's Cheky Karyo's character and the two rabbits near by huddled together are Jet's and Bridget's characters.
What I didn't like about the commentary is that it was clearly three seperate commentaries edited into one, which I don't like, they should have had them seperate or got all three to record with each other in the studio.
"I don't live in the 23rd century, I @#$%ing hate The Next Generation"
I took it as that the 2 rabbits that are close together are Bridgets character as well as her daughter in the movie, and that the dead one is Richard and that the one alive besides the dead one is Jets character, like he saved those other 2 rabbits from Richard.