Poor Man's Stansfield
I liked Tcheky Karyo as Richard but I felt like his character was far too derivative considering Luc Besson's past efforts. He's basically a carbon copy of Stansfield from "The Professional (aka Leon)" without all the quirks that made Stansfield the biggest bastard in film history (and without Gary Oldman to make it work.) Tcheky Karyo managed to eke some menace out of the character (mostly due to his naturally intense face), but I can't help but wonder how awesome this movie would have been if the real Stansfield were on the scene. Of course then we wouldn't get Stansfield doing his thing in "The Professional," so it's a worthy trade. In any event, this movie was really badass. Definitely better than "Danny the Dog (aka Unleashed), which was dull as hell, except for the two or three fights. The Morgan Freeman as sage old black man bit is getting really, really old. Even he doesn't seem to care anymore.