Jet Li vs Twins

Did anyone get the feeling that the fight between Jet Li and Cyril Raffaelli (twin 1) was too brief? With the talent between the two, I just felt that it was just too quick. Also, with the hits Li took from both "twins", I was disappointed that the result was just a mere cut lip and a really scrapped hand. I was hoping the fight would take more energy out of him



yeah but other than that they played out the fight scene excelently


still it wud be nice to Jet Li get more roughed up in his movies. lethal weapon 4 is an exception, altho he was a bad guy.


Just saying, I think he burst his eardrums rather than crush his skull.


Yes, this technique you see when he executes a type of slap-punch to the opponents ears is called "Double Bumblebees," so named for its sting like stun effect, and is in Taiji forms as well as other Kung Fu forms. The purpose is two fold. The first, as you guessed, is to very quickly create pressure in the ear to cause rupture of the eardrum. The second, is that there are very sensative Dim Mak/pressure points just at the edge of the earlobe, and this causes at the very least a stunning pain, if not, an actual knockout when done correctly.

