MovieChat Forums > Kiss of the Dragon (2001) Discussion > The Movie deserves a sequal !!!

The Movie deserves a sequal !!!

This movie deserves a sequal believe it or not, becoz if ART OF WAR or TRANSPORTER & DISTRICT 13 can get sequels why cant this one, i think LUC BESSON needs to think about it, its gonna be so much fun if its gets a sequel.I hope they make it soon !!!


Seriously, the character Jet Li played was quite unique. I for one would love a sequel as well.


What really piss me off is that Luc s not giving any attention to the sequel because if more time pass people will forget the character and the movie, he needs to think about it !!!


I think this is one of the best Jet Li movies, and definately his best Hollywood movie.

But it all wraps up pretty well, and I think a sequel would ruin it.


I'd like another stand alone film centered around the same character.


I don't know, the story had a "proper" conclusion, what kind of new story would involve both "John" and Jessica? It would just be LAME. District 13 truly asks for a sequel because there are still aliens out there, Transporter can have an arbitrary number of sequels because his job is to transport things (doh) but Kiss of the Draqon lived off the premise that John got betrayed and Jessica's daughter was held captive and that the ways of these characters crossed. If you leave that out of the sequel, it would not be a true sequel. And if you repeated that somehow, it would just be lame. And since Luc Besson is one of the few truly great directors, he won't do this kind of *beep* Luckily, he never did a sequel to Leon and so he won't do it with this one.

Oh and please tell me what makes John's character so unique? The only unusual thing would be that he doesn't screw around with the ladies but thats only unusual for western eyes. Seriously, he is a cop that kicks ass with martial arts and is a bit short on social skills, that's it. Action cinema has dozens of characters like him. The thing that distinguish him from others is his trademark: the use of acupuncture needles. And that's a kindof silly thing to begin with because acupuncture can't do such drastic things like outright kill somebody, especially not with just one needle and within seconds. His gimmick is a stretch, so please don't focus on that.

Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie, but not good enough for a sequel plus the story doesn't give us anything to work with.


Lol, I don't remember any aliens being in District 13? Luc Besson produced D13 and the transporter. If you want to describe David Belle's character as being alien, sure, because of how ridiculously athletic he is. Haha, sorry, I know you are thinking of District 9, which a lot of people somehow gets these films confused. I just like to get the opportunity to make fun of the people that do haha.



It seemed fine as a stand alone film. But he was an agent, so I don't see why there couldn't be a sequel with him on another mission.


I really love this movie. Kinda Bond-like w/ a Golgo 13 look to it. I'd love a sequel.

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Wonder why no sequel. They coulda shot it for cheap and still be good.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®
