FBI again?
This occurred to me near the end of the film ... why are the FBI chasing him?
The Department of Defense went out of their way to take him off their hands. It was the DOD's van that was taken out and their men who were killed. But they leave the manhunt to the FBI?
I mean, I guess the FBI have the jurisdiction and the manpower, but it just seemed kind of strange, as if the DOD only had the three guys and that was it.
Just one of the small things that bugged me....
Another thing that took me out of it was the making of the knife. Really? You're on the run, being chased by an expert tracker (he can track a bleeding wolf in fresh snow, after all!) and you stop to build a fire that is hot enough to melt steel. Then you take the time to forge that steel into a knife and further take the time to hone the edge razor sharp.
Or, you know, you could keep running....