Almost everyone in this movie is...
Good looking.
Except for a few spooky characters, good looks and youth seem to have been a requirement.
And there were no fat people.
This includes:
The people at the beginning, who arrive with Pamela Anderson.
The people in the background in Shaggy's beach scene.
The people at the airport.
The people on the plane.
The people on Spooky Island.
The people in the cult training video.
It seemed like the movie was making some kind of a statement, as with the puzzling cameo of Pamela Anderson, the "good looking guy" (curly haired blonde boy) in her crowd, and the extremely pretty video girl. It seemed like more than just noticeable bias in hiring for production value.
I think the best looking of all was the girl in the training video. Her name is Holly Brisley.