massive logic hole.

surely if there are many universes then surely people are dying randomly, fair enough, but eventually you in another universe might die of old age, till eventually there is only one because of that logically people die all the time, so there will eventually be the oldest one of you who will then become the one, does that make sense?


What might be the answer is barring accidents they all die of old age at same instant


You appear to not have knowledge in the realms of spirituality. Jet Li as Gabe was doing his Kung Fu practice in front of a Mandala, and the Buddha statue on his altar; obviously this movie suggest reincarnation. This must mean that until both Jet Li's are actually dead, they will reincarnate. As you have seen nothing like that has ever happened in the multi-verse, so both of them are being kept alive.


The idea, as I understand it, is that nothing is "random." When a person is meant to die, they die in every universe they exist in. When someone like Yulaw shows up and changes causality, that is when one runs into the situation we see in the movie.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
