An entertaining movie and I dont care of these major plot holes!
A suprisingly entertaining movie and I dont care of these major plot holes...
1. I saw threads discussing if a multiverse person must die in all univerums at about same time to prevail balance etc, but the main question regarding BALANCE is not discussed? Any person borned to multiverse must be "created" the same time by same parents in all worlds to prevail balance. If his dad misses the bus one day he wont meet the mom. Compare with The Adjustment Bureau. If dad and mom dont have sex the right time that person wont exist. Compare with About time. If he hangs with wrong guys in school he may end up with no arms. Compare with Butterfly Effect. And with no arms me may not get the girl he loves and he wont even get the kid the other worlds version of him got. Etc etc...
Im just saying there is no way same persons will exist in all worlds, and no arguments like fate or destiny I may buy. :-)
2. The traveling was a travel in space, not time, right? How could Statham send Li to a world where Li just NOW got the chance to save a The Dog. Whats the probability of that timing? (And how did Statham know of that event at all?).
Anyways, I liked this movie a lot. Jet Li will always be Jet Li! :-)