Hilarious Spoof!
This movie reminds me of some of the older spoofs that were made over the decades. No one gets what a spoof is anymore, but Richard Benjamin is great at doing them.
I laughed hilariously. Last good ones I saw was Romy and Michelle's HS Reunion With Lisa Kudrow, or Meryl Streep in Death Becomes Her. Hilarious!! Jim Carrey hasn't been around much but he is good at them, also.
People are too into sci fi, horror, and action flicks these days....or rom coms. They don't know what a spoof is. Woody Allen did them when he first started out with How I Saved the World and Stopped the Bomb. That's as far back as I can remember back. Might be some I saw and forgot.
Too much hate going on out there and all they want is horror and violence,,too bad.
"Sometimes you have to know when to put a cork in it."