MovieChat Forums > A Man Apart (2003) Discussion > For those doesn't like Vin!

For those doesn't like Vin!

If you don´t like Vin D. You have a good choise, don't go see the filme, i'm sure no one will miss you.
It's so simple has that.

Here in Europe any Vin D. film is a big success.



With all due respect, that's a pretty idiotic statement. You can't possibly know whether or not you like a film unless you see it. So how can you say, "If you don't like the film, don't go see the film"?

That makes no sense. Even in Europe.


Essentially what the previous viewer was trying to say was that sometimes, people judge a film based on preconceptions of an actors predeliction for choosing films. Vin Diesel does seem to choose certain types of roles, and while that may not be to the liking of some viewers it is to others. Personally, I prefer a wide variety of films. I enjoy movies ranging from, "The absent minded professor"(Jerry Lewis) to "Pitch Black", and "Ghandi" to "Nosferatu"(1922). This is to indicate not only the range of my "mindless" enjoyment but also my "artistic" enjoyment as well. Therefore one should not judge the intellectual capacity of a person based on a specific film choice but instead on their reasons for enjoying the film. Although the author with whom you do not agree, chooses a specific phrasology, it does not invalidate the essential statement. There is a subset of the viewing public that cannot enjoy a movie die to their predeliction and cannot give it the chance it deserves. This is an essential componant to human nature. You are addressing your previous statement to the previous author who did not indicate their preferance to the movie but instead jumped several steps ahead and used the unsaid assumption that if you did not enjoy Vin Diesel previous works (The Iron Giant and Saving Private Ryan not withstanding) it is unlikely that you would enjoy this film. It would be helpful if you would learn to read between the lines and understand a person's core meaning. Perhaps in the future you should ask yourself do I truly understand what this individual is trying to say or instead am I mearly reacting without thought. In the future perhaps you should form your opinion in a rational manner pointed towards your true intended audience.
In Laymans terms:
Before you speak, think, and direct your words to the dumbf**ks who state an opinion based on what they think is gonna be in a movie rather than someone who has neither a positive nor negative opinion about a movie.


Wow, intelligent speech! :) I agree with you totally!

"Try not. Do, or do not, there is no try" -Yoda



Sorry about the mistake....and my english.

Tank you intenseyes..
