queezy and robbed...

...is how I felt after ingesting this sh;t stew of predicatble chunks of machismo floating in a puddle of bad acting. By the grace of God, I can not fathom how, when or why Vin Diesel started demanding 10 million dollars a film. The fact that Hollywood can successfully force feed the masses a monotone, homoerotic Jewish man disguised as an action hero, is more of a statement of contempt for the general public then it is feature film.

After I finish cleaning this horrible taste out of my mouth, I am going down to the zoo. I heard they shaved a gorilla and taught it how to wipe it's ass...oh wait, its just the premiere screening for The Chronicles of Riddick.


"I heard they shaved a gorilla and taught it how to wipe it's ass...oh wait, its just the premiere screening for The Chronicles of Riddick."
LOL! Ive heard many Vin Diesel insulrs but woo! Not like this!
