MovieChat Forums > A Man Apart (2003) Discussion > This is getting to be really annoying......

This is getting to be really annoying....

Ok, I have some things I want to say about Vin Diesel and all the people that trash him and his movies on every message board for one of his films. First off, I'm not a girl, I'm not white trash, and I am not uneducated. I am young, 19 in fact (well, 20 in may). I like cars, but thats not to say I think the Fast and The Furious is any great piece of cinema. I like action flicks, but I dont own the Schwarzenegger(sp?) home library. I also like to sit down and watch Citizen Kane, The God Father, and Lord of The name a few. So to say I'm white trailer trash who likes stupid movies is a little off, like someone said in a previous topic. Wehn people go to a movie, well..most common side of humanity (not us wannabe directors/actors/models who think we know everything) we go to abandon reality for a couple of hours, see some cool scenes, think, or just be all around entertained. We dont go for some deep valuable life lesson, because honestly, most of us are smart enough to know you do not get that from Hollywood. We dont go to sit there and critique the dialogue or the acting abilities of the shows headliners, unless the two are so bad its hard to go unnoticed..which, in Vin Diesel movies, isnt the case, the acting and lines arent as bad as some of the other *beep* I've seen. Also, if you think Vin can't act, watch Multi-facial, Saving Private Ryan or even The Iron Giant and Boiler Room. Sure he's taking generic action movie roles, but its entertaining the masses. And isn't show business about entertainment? least on the surface?
And why does everyone feel the ned to come onto the message boards and say the EXACT same stuff about Vin Diesel and his movies as has already been said on all the other boards...don't you have any thoughts of your own on the matter? The guy isnt an idiot either as far as I can tell from interviews and conferences I've seen with him. The guy has kind of a mono-tone voice, so that limits the range, but what he can do with that voice is Iron Giant for instance. He has the ability to portray anger quite well as far as I'm concerned. Take A Man Apart for instance..the revenge thing has been done to death, but Vin Diesel captures anger and rage perfectly if you ask me. Why sit there and trash someone who is making it as an actor? All the power to him. He isn't doing really bad roles like Segal or Stallone or Van Damme, we've seen he has range, and I'm sure if he wanted to he could get a role on the more dramatic side. For most of us, when we step out of the movie theatre, we're entertained by the explosions, and car chases, becasue we like to suspend reality for abit and get away from seeing an unnecesarry war on every television station. But then again, we are a continent that was captivated by a white stain on a dress for a year and a bit or a double homicide committed by an ex football player (because you know, double homicides dont happen all the time to people living below the poverty line..but we only care about the upper class right?..who cares if at around the same time there was a warlord in Somalia committing geonocide...we dont learn about that until Hollywood makes a movie about it.)
Anyways, most of us are entertained my his movies, and he can act, and stop being so judgemental, thinking you know every little thing about everyone who likes Vin Diesel movies. Where are you going in the industry? If he's making it, all the power to him, if your so much better of an actor, get off your ass and do something about it.

Also, other people talk about us not having life experience or being immature if we like his immature is it to flame people who like him or put us down? And you want to talk about life experience? I'm (as well as other ppl you refer to I'm sure) out there experiencing life instead of wasting my days away on here talking about others. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go experience it some more.

Anyways, if you want to flame me and prove your level of maturity, drop me a line at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] have three choices, so if you cant get to me at one of the above mentioned really should re-evaluate your decision as to who the real idiots are.


My advice is to what you have just done, fire back intelligently. Most people who dislike him have half assed reasons why and try to make you feel silly for liking him. Anyone that tries as hard as the Anti-Vinnites do to get you to dislike something seem very Nazi to me.



I agree with the positive comments on this thread about Vin. The only film of his that I haven't seen is Strays, and I'm am very happy to say that he is my favorite actor, but I am not a sad soul with no life. I work in the production industry and the imdb site is both informative from a professional point of view, but also a welcome distraction at the moment as I am working my final dissertation for my Masters degree.

I agree with Candylyn's comments that people who do not like him try and make you feel silly for liking him and seem to concentrate on disparaging personal comments rather than articulate arguments on the films he makes. I think it is strange that they seem to spend so much time thinking and talking about an actor that they don't like. If I don't like an actor, then I just don't go to see their work, but I wouldn't attack them personally as I don't know them, and I certainly wouldn't belittle people who like them as we are all entitled to our opinion.

My personal opinion on A Man Apart is that I enjoy the film and find the journey that the character goes through interesting, but I do not enjoy the very end. The joy of owning the DVD's is that I can miss this bit out and so I stop the film when he is walking away after catching diablo and smiles at the sky, which for me is a very satisfactory conclusion to the story.

This donut has purple in the middle, purple is a fruit - Homer Simpson


Well, I gotta say, I really don't like him.... respect to those of you who do, that's fine with me, but I think he is horrible. I don't believe his acting in any way...then ofcourse I only saw XXX so maybe I'm judging him unfairly, but in that particular movie I think he is really annoying. The fact that he cannot even speak properly annoys me a lot.

Ofcourse I saw Saving Private Ryan aswell a long time ago, and I must admit I don't even remember him in that film - which by the way was a fantastic piece of movieart.

But hey, that's just my opinion. Take it or leave it. I respect yours, so you should respect mine, right? :-)


I was waitin' for someone to say that!
Vin can act man, I knew that ever since Boiler Room came out. Fast and the furious was good cuz of its pace and Vin did do a good job in that(who else could you see playin' that role???). Another movie Vin did well in was Knockaround Guys and did a pretty convincing gangster role even tho' Barry Pepper outgunned him for the best acting in that movie. As for A Man Apart - I really don't see what was so bad about this movie, it was good and Vin was made for that part as well. And not to mention Saving Private Ryan with the small part that he had...

my chump change
Stop hatin' on Vin!!




Any actor whose main asset is thick neck muscles is a loser. Sorry that my opinion differs from yours. If you resent that, it's your problem.



What "backup" do you need? You've seen his neck muscles. They are quite thick. You have seen him 'act.' You like him, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with a young man like yourself feeling a certain attraction to thick neck muscles.


Amen to that Jedi Master Kahlin !!!
I agree with every single word you wrote in that post.
A little something to add though
There are also people who say they go to see A Man Apart for instance, because of some other actor that they like who's also in the movie.....THEN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T GO SEE A MOVIE BECAUSE OF AN ACTOR YOU LIKE AND COME TO A MESSAGE BOARD AND BITCH ABOUT AN ACTOR YOU DON'T LIKE!
Personally i like Vin, i think he's a good actor, although it didn't really shine in A Man Apart, but hey he just needs to find the right role!
And for the people who simply come to this message board to bitch about him being a bad actor, send Vin a letter instead of posting it on a message board dedicated to people who DO like him!


Firstly, what would be the point of sending Vin a letter? im sure he doesnt give a fu**k what i think about him or his films, and i doubt very much itd get through his sacks of fan mail from people like those who have posted above.

Now i respect that people have their own opinions i really do, but how anyone can insist hes a good actor is beyond me. He is the most rigid, monotonal, musclebound lump i have seen since arnold scwarzenegger (ha ha how you americans can vote that fool in as the gov of cali i dont know) Vins only problem is that he arrived too late for the terminator roles!

Admittedly in 'a man apart' he was slightly better than other roles, but to be fair he is pretty crap and will need to buck his ideas up if he wants to be taken seriously.. making a xxx part two will do him no favours whatsoever.

Then again hes earning millions and im just a chump so what does my opinion matter anyways.

'you are my angel......come from way wake me up'


Americans didn't vote in Arnold as the governor of California, Californians did. And it was because no one qualified wanted the job


"send Vin a letter instead of posting it on a message board dedicated to people who DO like him!"

Who dedicated this board to Vin Diesel's homoerotic fanbois? As far as I can tell this is an forum provided by IMDB for open discussion. Just as they offer such a forum on every movie title.

If you want a forum JUST for loving Vin, go start a little club at Yahoo, and require Vin-worship for membership, then you can drool over him all you want.


I like Vin Diesel. I just don't think he'll ever get any respect until writers stop writing for him like they write Arnold Schwrzenegger. It's his lines that make him look ridiculous


Hmm not sure about schwarzenegger comments, i think its a farce, anyhow lets keep the debate to the film, sorry for straying off the point.

At the end of the day my friend, diesel takes the roles that are offered to him, no one is forcing him to take them, the simple fact is that he is a poor actor who sells well because he has muscles and a hell of alot of people out there love a brainless action movie - myself included, only when i am hungover and cant be bothered to think properly.

Name one dcent film diesel has done, where he has acted well? i cant think of any, and as i said previously in another post, starring in xxx part 2 is going to do him no favours regarding winning over his critics.

'you are my angel......come from way wake me up'


Ok, the subject of Vin's muscles keep coming up.........You have a problem with muscles Creeps? Or just a lack thereof?
I'm not sure where this hostility comes from, unless you post while drinking or very hungover as you mentioned above.
My advice would be...Quit drinking and go to the gym...I do and I could probably bench you. A sober mind is a better functioning one...with many more brain cells to boot!
And lets not match wits shall we? I'll put my years of non "white trash" as you so insensitively put it breeding, class,life experience we can all get when not in a memeory fog drug or alcohol induced or reduced, and an IQ of 168 up against yours any day and it would just be sad ...So let's not and say we did!
Wow good run-on sentence there :>)

Just watched A Man Apart and where it lacks from too many hands in it's production writing editing or story, it surely makes up for it in large part for me with Vin
I see a definate evolution in his range... He isn't a polished actor and his performances are more gritty and realistic...even his movements and onscreen smooches don't "look Hollywood" He has happily refused to fall into that trap
Keep it up VIN!!!!!


I think Diesel is an awesome actor. The only movie to date I have seen him in where his acting was suspect was "Pitch Black" That movie just stunk as a whole though.


I agree... although Diesel's character's CONCEPT was pretty sweet, it just didn't carry as much as it could of.. he seemed too sane.


I don't think Vin should start writing Oscar acceptance speeches just yet, but he's definitely not as horrendous as, say, Eddie Murphy or Jennifer Lopez. Vin's biggest problem, IMHO, is his atrocious diction. At times, it sounds like he's trying to talk through a mouth full of oatmeal...


Vin diesel is a good actor you cant really compare him to jlo though.


Vin Diesel is a decent action star. This movie was underrated. He did a good job and director Gray made another sharp interesting action flick (also Swordfish).
To those that are affected by IMDB boards i say this, dont bother taking them seriously, unless someone has something interesting to say. Dont forget that the majority of ppl registered to this site are teens with no taste who havent even heard of Seven Samurai or Deliverance. Its the kind of viewers that flock to see something like Biker Boyz or Honey. Just chill and ignore the idiots.
If you want proof of what im saying, just check the top movie list of imdb. You'll be surprised at the number of trash films that occupy the top spots.


Saving Private Ryan is perfect piece to prove he has acting ability.........he played a great character

Now something else that was brought up was the director he didnt direct Swordfish.........but he did do The Negotiator and the Italian truly i have not seen A Man Apart.........but after seeing the other two films by gray........they seemed to constantly take you to the edge of your seat and then release you and then do it again............but sadly they hit the end and there is just very little there.........Grays films are very predictable.........they remind me a Steven King.........he cant end a story to save his life


I never thought of that analogy. Very good point!


If you know history on Vin then you he has been around theatre and acting since he was a kid and its something he's wanted to do. I think he is in it for the long hull. So what he starts off as doing some pointless action films anyway they weren't that bad.


"He isn't doing really bad roles like Segal or Stallone or Van Damme, we've seen he has range, and I'm sure if he wanted to he could get a role on the more dramatic side"

the prob is, he's not doing that. i like a few of vin's movies, but he does alot of *beep*. face it. no actor is flawless.
