Machoism in Miami!

What would you do if she died? Huh? I mean, come on. A legitimate question, posted by a legitimate heterosexual.

I feel sorry for the trite one-dimensional character that Vinny Vin the Diesel plays. I mean, poor guy is having his own heterosexuality questioned when he doesn't become titilated when a beautiful woman gives him a lap dance. So, like every real man, he gets ultra-defensive after his opposers throw out a snide comment on the assumption of his sexual preference. Man, Vinny, you get mad. You're a strong heterosexual man with fire in your man meat. Fire for the women that is. I mean, he's sensitive, but not that sensitive, know what i mean. Who's with me Who'll sign the heterosexual for Vin petition


Vin is just so sexy....I wish we'd see more moives where he questions his sexuality (even just a bit)....
