MovieChat Forums > A Man Apart (2003) Discussion > Awesome Movie, But World's Suckiest Movi...

Awesome Movie, But World's Suckiest Movie Title

Can someone tell me why this movie hired 100 consultants for everything, lighting, dressage, stunts, drug information, but they didn't hired someone to give the movie a catchy name like "Diablo's Labyrinth" or "Tijuana Warzone" or "Henchmen Hell"......... why "A Man Apart"? It sounds like some lame drama. I didn't see this movie in the cinemas because of the title alone even though I'm a fan of Vin Diesel (and Stallone but he let me down with that snorefast trash called "Copland"). Only till I saw my friend watching it on DVD 5 years later did I found out the jewel I missed watching in the big screen.

Does anyone else here also thinks the title for this movie sucked?

......Roaming Nevada's ~extra-terrestrial highway~........

My Favorite Quote in a Movie:
~The Titanic~ "Half the people in this ship are going to die”----------- "Not the better half..”


I almost didn't see this underrated gem in the cinemas 5 years ago, but when I saw it playing at my local discount cinema (which has since closed).

I figured I had nothing to lose paying the $2.25 to see "A Man Apart", and I'm really glad I saw it when I did.

I like the title "A Man Apart" because it's a reflection of the turmoil Vin Diesel's character faces in the movie. However, that title doesn't sound very marketable though. I think lack of advertising and bad initial buzz hurt the movie more than anything else though.


Bande à part is a 1964 film directed by Jean-Luc Godard. It is released as Band of Outsiders in North America; its French title derives from the phrase faire bande à part, which means "to do something apart from the group."

(Homage perhaps? I'm sure Vin Diesel is a bigtime Godard fan:)


It's also called "El Diablo", Vin always referres to it as Diablo in interviews not A Man Apart.


Hey, "El Diablo" would had been a bad-ass title and would have trippled the amount of people in the cinemas!
