The reason for this film's less than satisfactory rating is due to the fact it is inaccessible to certain people. It's not like the average movie that is straight-forward and follows a direct formula. It's filmed a bit differently, it plays out in a different atmosphere, and it is themed on a fairly untouched grounds. It appears to be very immature on the surface and a bit too 'silly', and it's not all that easy to overlook the subtle differences. No matter how you look at it, "Death to Smoochy" is not your standard black comedy. It's overly dark, being about children and a child mascot, but at the same time about a psychotic ex childhood HERO that wants to kill the one that replaced him. It has, on at least one confirmed occasion, the appearance of children witnessing the death of a man, and it IS a bit low-brow as well. It's just not the standard 'comedy' that the average movie goer expects or has interest in. It also didn't get a whole lot of publicity or advertisement. It really wasn't well heard of and a lot of people never knew it was there to go see it when it hit the theatres. Not many people know about it to rent it, either.
Sometimes a film filled with A-List stars gets overlooked on account of poor advertising, and I cannot think of a single film that has ever been terribly advertised and became a true CLASSIC. Sheer numbers alone can determine if a film is a success or a failure, despite how good it is.