I guess it's as an appropriate time as any to revive this 5 year old sub-thread. First off, I see where you're coming from. How far is too far for political correctness? At what point are we so sensitive that we stifle free expression? This question has been discussed heavily over the last political cycle. Let me attempt to offer a point of view that's outside of....some people's echo chambers.
The n-word wasn't meant to be a derisive term either at first. It was just a factual neutral term for dark-skinned people. Plenty of folks used the word 'correctly' (and continue to try). But what happened to that term? Due to decades...centuries...of deep racial prejudice the term became ubiquitously known as a deeply hurtful racial slur. To this day, to use the word, is to remind...and even perpetuate...the crushing hate that was once accepted. That same ni**er you neutrally referred to is the same ni**er that doesn't deserve to be considered human. My point is that the same word has developed wildly varying usage and meaning. Our language is an ever-evolving corpus.
Maybe you think you can use the term appropriately and presume that everyone around you understands your intentions impeccably. Maybe you think you're above it and feel that people are too sensitive, too dramatic, and too politically correct. Perhaps your loved ones are too tough to be phased by similar language; and speech has no deeper impact.
Anyways, we're not talking about racial minorities. We're talking about a minority that is afforded less respect and even less opportunities to defend itself. It's easy to only think about yourself when you use these terms and disregard those annoying self-righteous hypocrites. But do consider the kind of ignorant, sadistic, arrogant folks that you're being (incorrectly) mistaken with. Are you so set on a particular meaning of a word that you can't give it up for the positive (if indirect) benefit to others? It may not be the most optimal way for us to progress past societal prejudice, but I do think it is important.
There are so many well-intending folks, like yourself, that have been using the same words, the same thinking, the same behavior for decades. Why consider changing it....