Let's face it, Nazis are cool. They have (in the movies at least) style, panache, confidence, charisma and the coolest uniforms of any army in history, before or since. I especially love the long leather overcoats worn by the officers. They also had cool names for everything, like ranks, battle plans and organizations.
They knew how to take charge and (in the beginning anyway) win. They may have been evil, and evil is seductive, but it took a colossal amount of attitude and confidence for a country one tenth the size of the U.S and with practically no resources to attempt world conquest and almost succeed.
Bad guys are exciting. Why do you think gangster movies have endured? In the movies the hero is only as good as the villains he fights.
Yeap, they are cool. They have style, indeed, panache, confidence, charisma and the coolest uniforms of any army in history, cool names, and are hot XD
I am, personallly,a huge fan of villains. Wonder why they are so so cool
But I must say::: thats only in fiction. That´s the magic of cinema and tv
Just take the same guys, the same actors, so the same villains, put them on the real life making fun talking so happily about your suffering. That´s definitely not cool, that´s disturbing. At least for me.
And we cant be so heartless to like villains in real life just because they aren´t harming us but other people. No way XD
Don't get me wrong. They were evil bastards and (mostly) got what they deserved. But like I said, in fiction at least, evil can be seductive and the bad guys are usually more interesting than the good guys.
Thousands of books have been written, and there is a TV show on around the clock somewhere about the competence of the German war machine by itself, divorced from the Holocaust and the Nazis.
They almost single-handedly invented submarine warfare, and made major advances in tank warfare, both of which have come into conventional use by armies all over the world.
The Prussian officer corps and the military caste in Germany predated, and were a separate entity from, the Nazis, and most of them hated Hitler and considered the Nazis scum.
Good point, I know about that too. But I really like your quote.... evil can be seductive and the bad guys are usually more interesting than the good guys. I must admit it´s completely true and even in real life::
Evil is seductive, that´s the purpose, and I dont want to get into a religious issue, but according to God and the Devil, The Devil make things very seductives... Thats why evil can be more interesting than good, the Devil make it that way to cheat you and take you to its side away from God.
Its up to us to decide not to follow what we think is evil.
So nazis are cool, beware, partly of that was true.
Good reply. I'm also reminded of anti-heroes, like Dirty Harry and others who are just as bad as the crooks they're chasing, and also heist movies or hit man movies, like Kill Bill, where the bad guys are the protagonists.
The Prussian officer corps and the military caste in Germany predated, and were a separate entity from, the Nazis, and most of them hated Hitler and considered the Nazis scum.
It was the pusilanimity of the officer corps that allowed Hitler to cement his power. They knew what his agenda was yet acquiesced fully in his aims and ambitions. They must shoulder their share of the blame for what Germany was to become. reply share
You're so stupid. The OP was clearly talking about Nazi's in movies, on tv and in literature NOT in real life. If you have a problem with that, blame the people who portray the nazi's as such and not the audience. And learn how to read. Seriously.
If Nazis (or other villains) were depicted as bumbling fools, they wouldn't be quite so terrifying. The most intimidating villains are the intelligent, charming, self-assured ones. Ones that are so confident in their ideology that they simply can't be reasoned with.
When you're young, inexperienced, don't have much depth in your vision of the world and you are still a bit insecure, acting cool and seeing something which appears cool is still important... well, perhaps in this sense for some young men nazis may look cool. For me, they have always been plain ugly and sick puppies.
Can you not read? The OP was clearly talking about Nazi's in movies, on tv and in literature NOT in real life. That has nothing to do with being young, inexperienced or insecure, it's merely an observation. No need to be arrogant, because you THINK you are smarter than the OP.
There's no question that the Nazis won the war of fashion. They had the most bad-ass uniforms of all the warring participants. In fact, much of the black battle gear Americans have are inspired by the Nazis including the helmets.