MovieChat Forums > The Cat's Meow (2002) Discussion > DVD subtitles screwed up

DVD subtitles screwed up

Anybody else experience this? During the scene on the first night when some of the ladies and the sax player are partying in Marion's room, drinking and smoking, the scene cuts to the scene where a wire is received containing gossip about Chaplin and Davies, but the subtitles show lines that are not heard, presumably deleted footage from the end of the last scene back in Marion's room. I don't remember the lines, but it was risque so it was probably cut to prevent an R rating maybe.

Anyway, because these extra lines are in the subs, the subs for the rest of the movie are all about 10 to 15 seconds late! I've never seen an official DVD with the subtitles throughout most of the movie being messed up and way off their marker.

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Are the lines saying something about breasts? Because in the version I first had on VHS one of the girls flashes the others but when I got the dvd it was cut out? If it is then it would make sense to what you were saying.


It's now been a few months and I don't remember what the dialog was about. It was a rental.

Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end.


I watched mine today and checked, and the subtitles were normal. But like I said before, I know theres a missing scene from just before the wire came in, so you probably saw a defective one where the subtitles of the missing scene hadn't been deleted.


My DVD is defective as well. Exact same problem, the scene where Celia flashes her breasts is cut, but the lines remain in the subtitles, throwing off the timing of the subtitles for the rest of the movie. It's really annoying, and I can't believe they let the DVD be released like that. Also, why the hell was that scene cut? I remember seeing it when I watched the movie on HBO, and considering the content of the rest of the movie, I can't understand how that little scene would affect the rating. Besides, it's a frickin DVD! Why cut anything? Not like it's being shown on network tv.


My Netflix version does the same. In fact I was looking through the message board to see if anyone else had the same problem I did. Now I see I am not the only one.
