To be or not to be...SATIRE
A lot of people who viewed this seem to take it at face value while the extreme hyperbole, exaggerated acting, & a bevy of movie cliches for films like this all made it clear to me upon first viewing that it was indeed satire. I think that the only reason that more people don't understand that it's satire is because they're understandabley thrown off by the earnestness of the actor who plays Pumpkin, who plays it so well that it's like a performance from a straight version of this same story & the result is a bit of a mash up between pulling our heartstrings & making us laugh. Many of us can't decide which to do more because while we're touched by the story in general & Pumpkin's portrayal in particular we also can't help but to notice the oft mentioned car off a cliff that blows up twice before crashing to the ground from a ridiculous height & then having the driver of that death trap not only still being alive but relatively unscathed as well. I liked it though mismatched tones & all but then again I love underdog little cult films like "Dirty Mary & Crazy Larry", "Tank Girl", "Night of the comet", "Comic Book Villains", "Mad Dog & Glory", "Miami Blues", "Trigger Happy" (A.K.A. "Mad Dog Time") etc., Quirky & original are an excellent mix in my book, especially when the film has talented actors in it like this one did.
On a side-note let's hear it for Christina Ricci's perky nipples in this film! Two more stars were born here! :D
"Be nice until it's time to NOT be nice."