The Scariest Part of this Movie
Is the part that I'm watching right now. Which is the bridge collapse. It's one of those scenes like in Passion of the Christ... you're just watching it and you can't believe the ammount of destruction, chaos, and how everyone is "every man for himself"... The first time that I saw this scene... I cried. And I didn't cry because I was sad. I cried because it was soooooooooo much to take in. You're just watching all of these people die, and realizing that there's absolutely nothing that can be done about it. It's also right about then that you question how secure you "really" are in your own life. No one expected to die that day, and yet, almost everyone did... were any of them ready?
Really, the rest of this movie is a bunch of goobly gop that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and is NOT based on actual events.
Indrid Cold, and Mothman had absolutely NOTHING (or very little) to do with each other except for that people LINKED them at the time probably because they were scared and tryng to make sense of things.
Everyone should watch the documentary "The Eyes of Mothman" it better explains things that happened.
But this movie didn't really strike me as being scary, number one because I knew of a lot of the actual events, and number two, buecause so much of this can be interpreted however you want to interpret it... You can say Indrid Cold was anything... you can say that the "phone calls" meant... ANYTHING... :P
A lot of the creepy feeling can be attributed to the "music" and the fact that the characters say things that seem/sound creepy (Which wouldn't really be happening IRL)... No one after having nearly drowned would sit there in a towel and creepily say, "Wake up number 37..." She might have said, "OMGOSH! *sob* my dream!" ... but yeah...
So much of this movie has absolutely no meaning. It could be THIS, it could be THAT... it MIGHT have happened this way, it might have happened THAT way... People could interpret THIS, THAT, BLABLABLA...
The most meaningful/best scene in my opinion was when John spoke with the gentleman in Chicago and he explained how a person on the upper floor of a building might be able to see a car crash ten blocks away and that it meant that the "things" (btw, what are they again? Oh yeah, the movie doesn't even really give us a clue... just a bunch of little hints so that we can make up whatever reason/thought we want)weren't necessarily God... O_o...
Yeah... anyways. It's pretty good... but all the rest of the random whatever is just bologna