Bedside reading

I loved one little detail in this movie ...

the evening before the engagement party, when Lalit and Pimmi go down to where the girls are sleeping and reflect "when did we grow old?" (the "sunrise Sunset" moment) ...

the camera pans to the Cosmopolitan magazine beside Aditi's bed vs a volume by Rabindranath Tagore by Ria's.

Absolutely understated but very telling.



No, I don't see it that way at all. Both Aditi and Ria are in the same generation.

I see the bedside reading as more of an insight into their characters - Ria is reading the poet and loved patriot author, Rabindranath Tagore. That underlies the fact that she aspires to be a writer. It suggests the depth of her character.

Aditi is so sucked in by the superficial things and yet the movie demonstrates her lack of satisfaction with her thoughtless behaviour.
