Why an 'R' rating?

First, seems like a lot of people didn't like this movie-thought it boring. I thought it was great! Such a breath of fresh air!

Now to the subject-I cannot figure out why the 'R' rating! "Bad" language at a minimum, no nudity, sex only really hinted at, no violence. I can only think it's because of a sub plot of molestation that was more tastefully delt with than on many daytime talk shows! (In fact, how can we, as a society, get the message through to children that they are ok and not guilty if they're molested-and yet rate a movie 'R' because it is talked about?)

Watching it again-with directors commentary-and still, I am trying to figure out the rating!



I was watching this movie right as I was putting my daughter to bed. She saw that the PVR had noted that it had an R rating and asked if she could see R-rated movies (to which I told her that R meant if was up to me or her mother to decide) and that it had a "TV-MA-L" rating which I explained as well. She watched about 5-10 minutes of the beginning and then a bit later she got out of bed because she couldn't sleep. Then she watched a bit around the time of the bridal shower scene.

I think PK's work crew taught her a few new words, but otherwise it thoroughly distracted her from whatever she was obsessing over.


Due to all the f* words sprinkled throughout the subtitles perhaps? You don't see/hear those in PG movies do you?


Vijay Raaz's character Dubey actually uses quite a bit of profanity in Hindi. I thought it was quite funny when they gave the proper translation of the common "bhenchod" as sisterf---er.


yea, I think the choice words in the subtitles are the main reason. :)


The R is indeed for language. As I understand it, a single use of the f-word as an expletive is grounds to get a film rated PG-13. Use it twice as an expletive and you are heading for R territory. If, however, the f-word is used as a verb, then it is automatically rated R. So, with all the "visual" translations of colorful Hindi phrases, I am fairly sure that this is why "Monsoon Wedding" got an R. The irony, of course, is that if the phrases had remained untranslated I doubt the movie would have gotten that rating. Even so, it's a great movie and I certainly don't mind that the language is so colorful, since everything else is so beautifully colored as well.


The words MotherF^#@%r and SisterF^#@%r were like a turd on a wedding cake, spoiling an otherwise wonderful experience.

I felt bad enough about the gratuitous use of profanity (mere literal translation is no excuse) to write Ms Nair. I asked her to redo the subtitles on the upcoming Blu-ray version of the film. No reply (no surprise).


Those are the words... why would they give us a false translation of the movie? They said what they said. If you don't like the movie fine but don't try to change it for everyone else. Of course you're not going to get a reply.



Those that rated the movie most definitely gave it the R because of the molestation sub plot. Such a topic definitely warrants an R rating with the rating commission.
