Funniest scene!

I don't know why but I like this film! I saw it on TV once and I laughed like mad. There are a lot of funny scenes in this film! Yes this film was stupid but it was funny! For these reasons...

1. Jamal is in the kings palace and I think he has to impress him! He starts dancing and everybody finds it very strange. Then the medievil people start trying to do rap or something! It was a bit stupid but it was hilarious!

2. There was one scene where I just cracked up laughing until it passed onto the next scene. It is funny even thinking about it!

Did you like this film? I give it 7/10


the movie was funny


It was funny, I like the part where Jamal meets Knolte and he passes out and Jamal performs CPR and takes a whiff of Knolte's breath, and he says "Oh damn, Whatcha been eatin, spoiled nachos? And he gives Knolte two bucks and says "Get yourself some soap and tic tacs" and Knolte throws it in the fire. I also like the part where Jamal tells Percy that he will tell his boss and fire his metalica ass and mocks him, and when the king farts when he sits and gives food to the dogs and puts his hand in peas with dirty hands and Jamal felt sick.
