Similar movies

Are there similar movies like this? I just have the feeling that they don't make movies like this anymore. It came out 12 years ago and the distributor was New Line Cinema. It was even a Wide release. Looks like big studios do not green light movies like Life as a House anymore...


This gets compared to 'The Last Song' with Miley Cyrus a lot, but let's face it. Not many people like her movies and it's a complete rip-off.

The movie Remember Me(2010) really reminded me of Life as a House. Same basic premise. Young guy and his father have an estranged relationship and the family is basically dysfunctional. It's very sad in tone like 'Life', but with some good humor thrown in too like this movie. Same basic message of 'live today because there might not be a tomorrow.'

And Hollywood doesn't make many movies like this anymore. Most of the general movie-going population don't wanna see films like Life As A House. They'd rather see a bunch of explosions.



"What dreams may come" has also the same undertone...drama circled around family.


Rocket Gibraltar (1988) comes to mind. It deals with similar family/generational conflicts, a member of the older generation trying to impart some wisdom to the younger generation, and, like Life as a House, it culminates in the death of a key character.

