Asses the window!

That was about the funniest.... okay, the only funny, part of the trailer.

Anyway, I've seen this trailer about five times now and I can't help but think Paltrow's trying really hard to fit in as the third bubblehead to Romy and Michelle from "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion." Now, I loved that movie, but that just kinda bugs me.

Oh well, just another reason to pass on seeing it.

"When in Rome, do the Romans"


Why on earth are they telling people to asses the window anyway? Don't they usually say something like "Look out the window?"


lol asses the window i thought that was funny on the trailer


She was reading off of a card what she was supposed to do in this situation. She was supposed to assess the window.

: )

Austin Burns
[email protected]


That and the joke about breaking up on a birthday card because Hallmark didn't make break up cards, made the movie look really funny and made me decide to rent it, but this is a case where I feel really ripped off. The movie has about 3 minutes of humor in it, and not like 3 funny minutes, 3 minutes where the movie is intentionally trying to be funny, the rest of it is largely uncompelling drama. Plus I hated that gay flight attendant, it's sucha dumb stereotype plenty of flight attendants are straight men.


never saw the movie, but i like that part of the trailer.

"You put the wrong emPHASIS on the wrong syLLABLE"

