funny scenes

what was your fav scenes from the film mine was the following

when donna and christine was fighting on the plane before it takes off and donna uses a bread cake to stop christine slamming her face into the floor and then when christine is been taken away and the look on christines face as she sticks her finger up to donna

then at the end where they show bloopers and exended scenes and john (mike myers) says now whatswrong with this picture and the gay bloke says i didnt buy him a drink

and at the end when christine falls over while laying down on the boat

and finnaly where they all sing there version of we are family changing it to we are royalty nice touch


i love any scene with mike myers in it! hes a comic genius! expecially when he tries to read things and he has to hold the paper up to his good eye - classic!
and also the 'ASSes the window' scene is just awesome! mike's line is great!
i agree about the end song - infact all the songs are just amazingly cool! any song that has that opening song in it is awesome - just look at The Wedding Singer!


the interview scene with mike myers and christina applegate:

"...scooby doo-doo"

"tectonic plates...tectonic plates"



"donna uses a bread cake to stop christine slamming her face into the floor"

Yes, that simple but effective little scene cracks me up every time I think about it. Like, oops, I'm about to get my head slammed, better find a soft landing, oh good, here's a bread cake, all in a second.


I think Christina falling off the front of the boat actually happened, and they just used that take for the movie & trailers rather than the blooper reel.

I don't think I have a favorite funny scene. I just like the whole movie.
