MovieChat Forums > View from the Top (2003) Discussion > *beep* i dont stand a change

*beep* i dont stand a change

im like 5 1 or 5 2 and i want to be a flight attendant and gwen is 5 9 and christina is 5 5 and candice is 5 9 *beep* i dont stand a change thats not fare oh i hate god hes done a lot of bad *beep* to my family and my self its just not fare or i cant even spell aarrrrrrrrrrr sorry im a bit depressed at the moment


Why ? I don't think you should feel depressed. Remember, this is a movie!
It's as easy as this: if you are good at the flight attendant job you are going to have success!!

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


Height restrictions vary with airline, but please don't associate this film with anything authentic about airline life, :) Always stay positive lovebird101.


5'2" is the height requirement for most airlines so you may be ok. They are really strict though. How do you think I feel, I'd wanted to be either a pilot or a flight attendant since junior school and all through senior school until I realised I had no chance as I am 4'11"! I was heartbroken when I realised it was never going to happen. Never mind it was a while ago now!

I know what you're doing... and I like it.


i think this post is a fake but...

i think what really destroys any chances you have its your horrible attitude.


I agree on the attitude! You might be able to find an airline where your height isn't a big factor - usually the important thing is that you can reach the emergency equipment stored in the overhead bins, or something like that. You just need to explore your options - there are a couple great books out there that offer advice on becoming a flight attendant!


It depends on the airline and the aircrafts they operate. Height is a requirement for professional reasons and not just the glamour quotient.

If an airline operates a wide bodied aircraft like say a 777 which has a rather "tall" cabin, then it becomes a necessity for them to hire attendants who are tall enough to reach the overhead bins, overhead latches etc.

If your airline operates, say, a CRJ 200, then height would not be an issue.

The real kick in the rear unfortunately is that CRJs are used for short haul domestic flights, not exotic international routes and don't have first class (they may have business configurations though eg. Delta Airlines)
