MovieChat Forums > View from the Top (2003) Discussion > Why is this movie unfairly trashed on?

Why is this movie unfairly trashed on?

I watched this movie with my ten year old daughter the other night and had very low expectations. To my surprise it is a good, sweet natured movie.

Gwyneth Paltrow gives a great, cheerful, energetic performance and is given a good supporting cast.

I was surprised it wasn't the lame, no-brainer "Animal House-in-the-sky" clone that it appeared to be from the ads that I remember seeing.

It wasn't made for adults, it was really a mis-marketed movie for teenagers. In an era of cynical, gruesome and stupid movies made for teens, here was a movie that was up-beat, positive and smart about its subject without resorting to cheap laughs and sappy drama.


I also loved this movie. Sure, it's not some award winning drama based on a true story, but I really enjoyed watching it.


Maybe they only saw edited ABCFamily Viewing. LOL


I'm watching it now as we speak, ( its on BBC1 over here in England) .. i have to agree , this is a fairly watchable movie, Mike Myers character is very funny ..( did'nt know he could do that thing with his eye!!) Gwyn Paltrow is excellent as the hard done by Air Hostess. Not a Blockbuster by any means , but well worth a watch. Chris Martin is a lucky bloke!!


I watched it on bbc1 too and i was expecting it to be terrible what with all the bad reviews but i liked it too and i though gwyneth was very good in it.

Have you ever been karmically bitch-slapped by a six-armed goddess?


She was so phucking hot!!!!! :P



I saw it last night on BBC1 and thought it was utter gash.

They forgot the funny!

Gwynnie looked hot though.

"Eat jellied eels and think distant thoughts."


As a doctor, I am sure that Mike Myers is wearing a contact lens on his right eye to give him a severe convergent strabismus.

As a TV film viewer, this film is an ideal rom-com material that is a perfect background for doing the ironing! Its simplicity is part of its attractiveness - you can be near 100% certain that when Donna is going to find true happiness in the last reel as it is not a subtle film. Any plot "twists" are signalled several miles ahead so there are no real surprises. Ultimately, it is just a nice simple finding one's path to real happiness after chasing after your dreams and what is wrong with that.

In reality life isn't always that simple but cinema is about escapism and it is nice to see an old fashioned love story without pornographic sex or violence for a change.


I still say it was utter pish.

"Eat jellied eels and think distant thoughts."


Well said Phillip Barclay.. you said the things i was thinking but could'nt put into words due to my lack of social skills,and living on a run down council estate.
..As Taggart said to Hedley Lemarr in Blazing Saddles .. "Gee Mr Lamarr, you use your mouth better than a $20 dollar whore"!!!

A View from the top was a very cozy film, i'd have preferred it to go out on a Sunday afternoon giving it a broader audience, rather than 11:30pm on a friday night.
Nuff said.


...Sunday afternoon is like the worst slot to put stuff on TV! Who sits around then watching TV? If you ever switch it on then its all the boring stuff. Late night movies are always better :D
And NO, Im not talking about THOSE kinda of movies.


This movie is pretty good- Mike Myers did make it better, his eye was hysterical, yes- his eye.

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.


This movie is not trash just silly fluff with good acting and yah she was at her hottest in this movie.


I love this movie.


So, it's not great, but it's not terrible... it suffers the curse of the mediocre. That's why it's (fairly or unfairly, you decide) trashed on.

In my opinion, I really didn't like it, and for one reason- the ending. Why are there so many movies like this one that show competent, talented women with tons of potential giving up their dreams to get married and have a family? I will give this movie some credit- it is not nearly as bad as Life or Something Like It, and at least, Gwyneth Paltrow's character does become a pilot at the end, so she redeems herself a little bit.

Now it so happens that I am in love with Paris, and that was my dream for the longest time to live there (I say was, because I have lived in Paris, and I loved it! I would move back in a heartbeat!). So, I may not be the best judge. But she gives up Paris (and all her beautiful dreams) for love? Okay, so I'm a romantic at heart, and I can understand that. But you better convince me that this was an amazing, can't-live-without-each-other, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. And frankly, they didn't convince me.


Well um...she was quite lonely in Paris. Her dream wasn't really about PARIS or New York--it was becoming someone when all the chips are stacked against you not only by life but from the opinions of others. Donna didn't want to remain in Nevada, traveling the same path as her mother, and she wasn't going to allow anyone to tell her that was all she would attain in life. And by attaining Paris and Royalty Air Lines First Class International--the high life, a glamorous prestigious job as far from a Vegas showgirl with deadbeat husbands as could be--AND finding a smart, gorgeous guy who loved her was her dream. So leaving Paris for Ted wasn't her giving up her career for love. She wanted to fly and she was--the pilot, which is a hell of a lot more prestigious than a stewardess.


Because people like to bitch about harmless movies like this one, I suppose.
It's not a good movie, but it's not horrible neither.
There are worse comedies around.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Well, I find this movie to be funny and inspirational. It shows that to achieve a goal you often have to start at the very bottom, in her case working for a pretty sorry airline wearing mandated miniskirts in order to please the cheap and mostly drunken passengers. Then you have to have the guts to go apply for a job at a first rate airline who will probably have some serious questions about whether you are quality material.
