MovieChat Forums > View from the Top (2003) Discussion > How should you view this film

How should you view this film

Is this a serious story, or is it meant to be kamp?
Maybe it's the fault of the other actresses, but Gwyneth Palltrow seems to be very sarcastic, while a lot of the others in the cast seem to be taking things very serious.

As kamp, it's quite amusing, but if it's serious, it's to sad to be talked about.


I believe you are required to View this film from the Top. I took it to be entertaining and funny and nothing more; which is exactly what it is.


It IS totally Kampy! its so funny how these pretentious movie critics cant see that. Just like American Psycho and Pumpkin, both with some recognizable stars.

did anyone get to see the outtakes? so funny!


... this bears any relation to American Psycho, I'd be much obliged... !

It'll be OK, to walk on tiptoes everyday...


You've got to be kidding me! You can't see it? Ok, both were movies. Both were shown on screens! Both were shown in theaters! Both had BOTH actors AND actresses! Both charged admission! Both were shot on either film or digital. Both used cameras of some sort as the recording device. Oh, and mostly, right after I just watched this I watched the new Portlandia I had recorded earlier and my honey Chloe Sevigny guest starred on it, and of course she was in American Psycho! And I'll just bet that Gwennie has either been in Portland or at least heard of it!

Shall I go on? Lots more similarities if you think about it!


... but of course! How could I be so blind?!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


this is a funny movie. it is not meant to be something you have to ponder or think about or give meaning to. it is a movie. it is entertainment. that's all. watch it and be entertained. if you are looking for something deep, read a book.


For a film that is supposedly lightweight and fun, there were a slew of heavy handed, mean spirited stereotypes that it perpetuated while pretending to satirize. And if one were to follow your advice and 'not think' to 'be entertained' I would only hope that they would realize the two actions cannot coexist.


Another movie that was kinda funny, but has more drama flair than anyting else.

However, I didn't that it's a bad movie. It may not be the great movie, but this is a decent flick.

My life isn't any better than yours.


Under the influence, to make it more 'fun'...

A movie about air hostesses is practically obligated to be "camp"; but they couldn't even manage to achieve that...

It'll be OK, to walk on tiptoes everyday...
