MovieChat Forums > Fatal Delusion Discussion > Any fans of these W.A.V.E. productions m...

Any fans of these W.A.V.E. productions movies here?

There's SOV (shot on video), and then there are W.A.V.E. productions! I've just watched some for the first time. As anyone familiar with this genre knows, scenes often run too long and there are all the other issues with SOV fare. But they also have their charms. I particularly enjoyed Deana Demko and Tina Krause in this one.


i'm not sure i've seen others but this def had a very cool vibe to it surprised no comments at all here or on imdb


I'm reading about these W.A.V.E productions (this is one reason I like this site, I learn about new movies and tv shows). It's really interesting that they made custom movies from storylines that fans commissioned.


Yeah, I thought that was interesting too. The blu-ray release of this movie "Fatal Delusion" had one of those custom made movies called "The Hypnotic Spy" included as a bonus feature, and I liked that.


I used to occasionally enjoy home made movies, like "Meat Market", "Bone Sickness" (very Fulci-like zombie movie), "I Zombie: The Chronicles of Pain"... Probably too old for this shit now.
