I have a question for any New Yorkers out there. I know that John Leguizamo knows enough about New York that this should not have happened so maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. If Victor and his girlfriend are driving from their home in the South Bronx to a party in Manhattan, what were they doing on the BQE?
Also, why did he have such a hard time killing the broker that had just royally screwed him when just a few days prior he considered killing his best friend?
Other than that, good movie.


War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left.


he did not have a hard time killing him, he was just pissed because since he killed him he wont be able to get his money back.


and he didn't kill his friend


that's true, but he abandoned his crew for that *(%#-what's worse?


He could have went into Brooklyn to queens on the BQE then over one of the bridges from Queens into the Bronx. Maybe there was traffic in Manhattan. LOL


Yes, it is so funny that those location mess ups are happening in movies and TV all the time---BQE-you are right, its nowhere near the BX!!!
And I am so glad someone mentioned that about Leg'z sad expression when he kills that SNOB---what was THAT about??? But, his best friend's killing seems to just fade away in the background like it didn't matter to him at all. At least, I think that's what you were driving at...that's the way that I percieved the situation. I may be alone on this one, but I LOVED this movie!!! And as another person mentioned in another posting, yes, the killing of Denise Richards' character was hilarious.
